Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:49
how much rest are people taking between sets so far..? - I've just raised it upto 2 minutes now...
tho, I'm perhaps a bit anal about these things - as when I was doing my last routine, I'd use a stop watch and have a set amount of rest going through the full routine... and it was generally 60-90 seconds..depending on hat I did...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:49
Take as much time as you need between sets. If you feel you need a longer rest period, take it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:49
yep, I'm aware of that... but the weights are fairly light currently... I was just wodnering how long people were taking... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:50
These are not "fairly light" weights mate so take as long as you need. I tend to do 90s in between set for the first 3 sets then about 3mins after that as I need the longer recovery period.
Using the guide of if it was easy, 90s and if it was a struggle then 3mins...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:50
yep, sorry meant to say that the weights are approaching my limits in the terms of what I can do rep wise... give it a week or so then I'll be seeing what I'm made of as I'll go higher than my comfort zone... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:51
Same as this really. 90s for the first 3 or so, then maybe 120s for the 4th rep and 3mins or more sometimes for the last one if the 4th was a struggle.
The app beeps you at 90 and 180s if you use that?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:51
Got my gym time in this morning. Not feeling particularly motivated (busy week and busy weekend at work) but I'm happy that the weights are still going up, slowly but surely.
My lower back was really grumbling at me today on squats and barbell rows, but I'm hoping it was just muscular as I do have an awful lot of lower back problems. In fact, I probably shouldn't be doing this program, but sod it anyway.
I've also noted that my weight is now going up to, which I'm happy with as although I started out trying to lose weight, I meant I wanted to burn fat away.
So weight has gone up by 2kg in 12 days. I think it's my legs...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:51
Started at 90 seconds, but now depending on what one I'm doing, it does go up to the full 3 minutes
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:51
yeah, I'm not used to working out on a saturday - used to having a hard session of a friday night then appreciating a drink... now I'm just having the drink..!
I too also are having lower back - this feels muscular - and I suspect that's going to give up before I reach the projected 140kg squat..!
but - when doing squats - if I keep upright then that certainly doesn't help - I tend to bend forward a bit more than I would normally and this helps a bit...
I'll be a the gym for about 1pm ish...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:51
As I've only been at this for 4 weeks now (finished week for this morning), my form still requires a lot of work, but by my reckoning, now the weights are getting heavy, if I can complete the movement without hurting myself then the form is good enough, while I am still learning.
I also think I've been doing the movements too slowly as I've been concentrating on the form too consciously so now I'm trying to speed it up a bit by being more explosive on the push.
If I went to my gym at 1pm, I'd be there for hours waiting to get on the equipment...So I go early.Up at 7 this morning as the missus went gym first, and now I'm going to have lunch then go to work for a 9 hour shift...