Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:54
Back at the gym in the morning. If I'm honest, I think my back is going to give out before anything else. Been doing some carpentry style DIY today and the back is sore. I have a lot of back problems, which were meant to put me in a wheelchair by the time I was 13 but I'm 38 now and so going strong (well, getting there).
I only mention this because I don't know if it's incorrect form but I really feel the weight of compression when doing squats and overhead lifts. Not so much with the squats but deffo with the overhead press.
Last time I found sucking my stomach in and tensing my core really helps, which leads me to think maybe poor form...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:55
had a good session - and legs were better than I expected...
Bench Press
Barbell Row
I found breathing really helps - as what th guy on the 5x5 video said - so, on squats, when standing - hold your breath (take a deep breath), then breath out when standing back up
and this is interesting on squats... only saw it last week...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:56
but just seen this video whish says the opposite of what the guy states on the 5x5 stronglift video... wil ltry it out on thursday...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:57
5x5 stronglifts doesn't say to breathe in on the way down? I think he says to take a breath and hold it, I might be wrong, I've not checked?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:58
yes, sorry - you're correct 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:58
Good workout today. Wasn't really feeling it but made some good progress. Worked hard on my form and boy, did I know when I got it right! Wasn't exactly easier, but it wasn't as hard, if that makes sense.
It also helped me through the 42.5kg OHP. In fact I world aay the form made ALL the difference.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:00
good work... I should be doing the 45kg OH press tomorrow night - but I think that will be my weakest area...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:01
These were my last lifts all 5x5:
Squats 115kg
OHP 50kg
Deadlift 122.5kg
BP 60kg
Barbell Row 72.5kg
But as I've only been to the gym once in the last 3 weeks and that was 2 weeks ago, I'm going to drop back 10% on the workout today.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:01
great stuff - but isn't you BP lacking somewhat?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:02
Yes it is. I hit a bit of an early plateau with the BP which I'd just got over before my cough/cold and holidays got in the way. I've always had strong legs.
It's also a bit of a mental issues I think. I had a similar struggle with the OHP, but with that when you fail you can just bail out easily, wait a few minutes and try again to get the set completed and get stronger for next time. With the BP a fail without a spotter worries me even with the catcher bars, so when I failed I just stuck at that weight for a while until it was easier then moved up.