Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:57
He's a monster! Which comp was that?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:57
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:57
IAWA Welsh Open -
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:57
Awesome stuff, once we get bumper plates in the new gym I'll have to give that a go, It's become a regular with db's for us. That all round comp looks great fun, a nice mix of events.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
Today's effort. Was quite happy with it. I'm pretty much at my limit I think, but then every session I increase the weight successfully.
Mind you on the last one of the last OH press it took everything from me. So much that a fella nearby leapt over ready to catch the weight from me!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
great stuff - especially the OH press...
I had a heavy session at kettlebells last night...but doing the squat, bench, and row tonight...
I recall readin / hearing (think it was youtube) about some guy who said he was afraid everytime he went to the gym as the thought of doing the squats put the fear into him... I know how he feels..I'm aiming for 88.5kg tonight...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
Yeah I'm not sure I'd describe it as fear exactly, but I am intimidated by some of these weights now...
Was waiting to dead lift and there was a couple of fella's deadlifting before me.Couple of big boy's...
The small one deadlifted a set of 5 at 150KG and the bigger guy did a set of 5 at 210kg
I felt quite intimidated and almost embarrassed to deload the bar by 105KG to do mine and then blow out of my arse to get it done!
Still can't help but compare myself to people, even though I shouldn't as this guy was literally two of me, probably 6 or 7 inches taller and maybe 5 stone heavier than me and has probably been lifting for years, unlike my 4 weeks...And I reckon I'm probably 10 years older than him...I just keep telling myself there is always someone bigger and stronger..
Forgot to mention earlier, as I was a bit flustered, I ended up putting 5KG weight increase on the deadlift instead of the 2.5kg the app told me to put on it.Don't think that helped my ego much!
And after I'd finished, I rested for about 15 mins then went on a Incline Chest Press machine with 30kg on each side.I'd had the rest as I was waiting for the missus and her sister then just wanted to finish up and seeing as I'd never used that machine before...Bit of a failure! Did 10, then only managed a set of 7 then only managed a set of 5 and decided at that point to hit the sauna and shower.Strangely, I found it affected my triceps more than pecs, maybe I was doing it wrong?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
Hows the back mate?I can recommend Diazapam...Amazingly addictive but awesome meds!In fact so scarily addictive I made myself come off them after 3 days because I was literally clock watching waiting for when I could have the next one...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
yes, as for the bench affecting your triceps more than your pecs... well, I'm not ane expert - but your triceps are a much small muscle, and it depends on your grip too - as the best way to shorten your pecs is via a crossover method (i.e. cable cross or flyes) - but this is about explosive strength... what kind of grip do you use - wide or narrow?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:58
Mate, I don't even understand what you just said!
My hands were positioned with my arms my right angles almost with the handles towards the height of the top of the chest and when in the rested position my hands were about 5;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7