Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:59
sorry haha... ok - best to have your arms at 45 degrees to your body and not 90 degrees - as that puts too much stress on your shoulders - and the bar should be around your nipples when it comes down...
and grip - just outside your shoulder - tho, for pure strength work then some people say you really need to arch your back and use a wider grip and this reduces the range of movement allowing you to do more... but anyway..!
but as for the best way to get your involve your pecs is a crossover method rather than just a push - so, imagine a cable crossover - this helps to shorten your muscle (i.e. concentric contractions - google this...) as if you stand up now and push your arms forward like you're doing a bench press - but if you stand up and do the same but bring your hands closer together (and squeeze your chest) then that works your chest more... but you won't ned to do any of this on your routine- its just a bit of background info... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:59
Ahhhhh (sound of a penny dropping and yes, I just stood up and started pushing my arms around), thanks, good bit of info!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:59
ok, just done -
Bench Press
Barbell Row
the squat wasn't hard as I was expecting it to be, but I failed on the benchpress - the last rep of the first 4 sets was a struggle... and on the final set I only managed 3 1/2 reps...
that said, I had a hard session at kettlebells last night -
3 minute run around the hall
5 minute jerk @ 16kg
Ab work / planks etc
5 minute snatch @20kg
Ab work / planks etc
5 minute clean and press @ 16kg
Ab work / planks etc
40 swings @ 16kg
30 presses @16kg
20 squats @16kg
10 pressups
And we did that times 2…tho, I never finished it…
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:59
Haha I know how it feels. I'm 5'5 on a good day, weigh around 58kg in the morning. I was happy with my squat today, 85kg with no failures.... then my mate from work racked up at just over 100kgs and did it like it was a few feathers!!
Every one has to start somewhere, although I can't see me ever squatting 100!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:59
Never say never. Keep working at it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:00
Finally got round to starting 5x5 this week, did my second workout this morning. I'm liking it although i think i need to up my weights as i found the squats & DL abit too easy.
Shame you can't change the rest period in the app as i'd like to lower it to 60 secs rather than 90....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:00
no - don't up your weights... it is easy as it's about 60% of your RM just now... give it 3-4 weeks... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:00
Advice taken....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:00
Still a bit sore/niggly mate but not as bad as the first day. Have just been using ibuprofen with deep heat and a hot water bottle pressed against it when sat down at home.
Doubt I'll be able to do anything now till Monday which is crap as ive been chomping at the bit this week when I finish work at 2pm. I'm usually tired and can't be bothered, dunno if it's because I've used me calories slightly along with a few more carbs. But on the plus side I'm eating like a saint.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:05:00
You don't have to rest for the periods given, when I started out, if the set was easy, I would do the next one after about 60 seconds.... now it's a lot harder, I sometimes take the full 3 minutes