Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:55
Was all set to try this today,had all my food for the week prepped and everything in place until I trapped a nerve at work in my back. That's what I think it is anyway. Not happy
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:55
Oh no! Hope it gets sorted mate.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:55
What's the competition mate?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
it's a kettlebell one here -
Hurworth Cup Kettlebell Sport Triathlon | Facebook
and looking at some of the guys - they're competing with 24kg kettlebells too... I may bow out 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
Don't get put off with other people lifting more, just lift what you can and work toward getting stronger. When I enter competitions I know I'm not the strongest there but I still enter as I enjoy the day, I get to compare my lifts with other lifters and I always pick up new pointers to help me get stronger.
Oh, and about lifting with people stronger than you, last week I was in a competition in Wales and one of the competitors there was a guy named Mark Jeanes...look him up!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
So I'm still not feeling 100%, but was desperate to get down the gym today, so put my snotty nose and slight cough to the back of my mind and went.
I mostly ignored again the advise about de-loading 10% as it's been more than a week, which I'll probably pay for over the next few days, but hayho...
I thought I'd also share with you guys my warm up and also the rests I take, partly so we can compare, but also so I have it recorded somewhere I can reference back to.
Squat - Warmup:
20kg (just the bar) x 5 reps
(rest 30 seconds)
20kg (just the bar) x 5 reps
(rest 30 seconds)
40kg x 5 reps
(rest 30 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
(rest 30 seconds)
80kg x 5 reps
(rest 60 seconds)
Squat - Workout sets:
110kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
110kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
110kg x 5 reps
(rest 120 seconds)
110kg x 5 reps
(rest 180 seconds)
110kg x 5 reps
Bench Press - Warmup:
20kg (just the bar) x 5 reps
(rest 30 seconds)
20kg (just the bar) x 5 reps
(rest 60 seconds)
40kg x 5 reps
(rest 60 seconds)
Bench Press - Workout sets:
60kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
(rest 120 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
(rest 300 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
Barbell Row - Warmup:
No Warmup (already warmed up from the BP)
Barbell Row - Workout sets:
65kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
65kg x 5 reps
(rest 90 seconds)
65kg x 5 reps
(rest 120 seconds)
65kg x 5 reps
(rest 120 seconds)
60kg x 5 reps
I finished up with 3 x 5 chin-ups and 3 x 10 @ 22.5kg rope lat pulls.
I'm not looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow morning, but it was good to get back in the gym.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
Nice! Was that with a barbell or dumbell?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
My missus tried to convince me she's been working out with a 120kg kettlebell...
I asked her if she thought it was odd that it felt the same as the 12kg kettlebell and she agreed that it did but she was still pleased with that workout because she sometimes find the 12kg kettlebell a bit too much....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:56
Tell her that's not a kettlebell, that's a cowbell attached to a cow!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:04:57
But she's well 'ard...