punit12 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

For anyone who doesn't like the taste of unflavoured supplements, try a few drops of these Flavdrops: Flavdrops Liquid Flavouring from Myprotein

0 calories, fat, sugars, and carbs. Tastes good too!

Grangey. Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

Yeah recommended the flavour drops a few pages back, honestly they are the way to go!

Stop buying flavored as these flav drops just taste sooo much better imo!

Pont Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

Lol. At least I'm not the only one! Last three orders this has happened to me!

Thug Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

Last year MP had an offer on for £50 called a 'summer gains bundle' where you got a whole load of supplements (protein, oats, creatine, tablets, etc). It was a fantastic offer and great value. I have sent them an email to ask if they will repeat this again this year.

Feel free to use my referral MP588503

BigP2055 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

I've just started the SL5x5 regime and want to know if I should be using supplements. I don't eat meat but do have a semi-healthy diet but I know I don't get enough protein. I don't want to take 10 different things 3 times a day, maybe just a few essentials. I've tried reading up on this but there's so many opinions and products that it's a little confusing for a beginner.

Grangey. Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:35

BigP yeah SL5x5 whilst can be done naturally would definatley benefit from supplements. First of all protien as your body needs this to rebuild the muscle youl be pushing to the limits every week. Try and go for one with a good protien content- 80% or above. I personally use myproteins impact whey isolate (isolate hits the blood stream quicker so particularly good post workout, although have also used their normal impact whey before- both recommended). I would also recommed using a good preworkout formula as the further you get through the regime the more you will SERIOUSLY need focus and energy as you will be pushing your nervous system to its limits which can be very tiring without a big boost. This is something you will have to play around with yourself to find one that works for you as everyone is different in regards to their caffeine response. I personally have used myproteins Pulse (and now newer Pulse v4) and found them to work very well- but I have little to no caffiene in my diet. Others that I know that have high caffiene tolerances prefer to use a taurine based formula for a similar boost etc, so play around and find one that gives you the boost/focus you need.

Other than that the rest are going to be kind of pointless, ive not started training with my BCAAs yet but theyre about the only supplement ive read about that seems to apparently "work" (although its still 50/50 views). Creatine could be worth a look but not sure its really of benefit on the SL5x5 regieme but it does encourage blood flow to the mucles so may help (although these is used more for bodybuilders so there is probably an alternate product im not aware of that will get you a similar result more relevant for powerlifting).

Its all trial and error though, there is no replacement for a good healthy diet as that is what will allow you to grow your strength and muscle. Not eating meat does make this harder as you will have a natural protein deficiency I would have thought (you need to be aiming for at least 1g of protein per 1lb of bodywieght) so you do need to look at getting this from alternate sources (supplements, nuts, fish if you can, etc).

MOST important with that workout though is FORM and REST. Make sure you practice the hell out of form or you will generate bad form and this will do damage when you go above your own bodywieght. Rest also- get in at least 8 hours.

Hope this helps

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:36

i can't see anything helping with the taste of unflavoured whey - it is THAT bad 

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:36

Just tastes like thin unsweetened skimmed milk to me. Best stop thinking of it as something to sip and enjoy and just chug it down. Like medicine.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:37

My mum used to make me drink the left over greens and cabbage water when I was a kid. Now that was bad 

Ben-H Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:37

Sounds vile.

I've recently started taking Power greens and that is rank... The smell is horrendous too!

Even mixing it with flavoured protein and a few spoons of MP peanut butter you still get an after taste then it repeats on your for the next 2 hours!

Power Greens
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