reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:43

yeah, well I don't eat much meat as a rule - tho, a fair bit of diary stuff, and i suspect my overall protein intake isn't high as what it could I've a sweet tooth 

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:43

Personally I think you'll be wasting your money unless you sort your diet out first but it's your choice 

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:43

yeah, maybe - but realistically I'm unable to have chicken fillets and steaks etc every day...

my diet is ok - I do eat a lot of carbs (mainly bread), but when I do make meals they're always from scratch and no ready meals...but I do have a sweet tooth... 

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

Is the food down to cost or time?
We can probably help with one but not the other 

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

bit of both I' say...tho, I could afford to eat chicken just about everyday - but in order to save cash I normally have a big lunch at work (roast dinner, pasta, curry etc) then generally have a sandwich etc when I get home...

but I figure if I can get a protein boost from supplements then I'll give it a go... 

hodgey66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

completely agree

Grangey. Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

Didnt see anyone answer this so thought I shall (this is from what I vaguely remember when I did actually research it).

Creatine esentially assists you in pushing out an extra few reps than you would otherwise be capable of without, which when your muscle is approaching reaching failure can make a noticeable difference in gains/ progress.

The more technical explanation:

This is why anyone who knows anything and puts serious effort into their workouts will swear by using creatine.

And honestly I dont mean this to sound harsh but to anyone saying "you dont need protein supplements, or creatine" etc I would say you may believe this based on your training but this rule is not correct for all at all. Yes protien should be devised primerily from your foods as a first point of call (80% diet 20% gym effort), but in reality if you are for example seriously focusing on muscle gain when you realistically want to be hitting at bare minimum 1g of protien per 1lb of bodywieght, for most this is unachievable using a normal diet (unless you want to be eating 5-6 meals a day of chicken and rice etc). Step that up to those that need more as they dont see enough gains on 1g per 1lb so need 1.5g x 1lb instead and youre being very unrealistic. As I've said elsewhere in this thread protein supplements are for their to allow you to hit your macronutriant goals and help level your macro goals. They are not there for a meal, they are not there as a snack, if you correctly track your macros and know you need x many grams of protien per day, but your food for the day has left you beneath this (which it normally will) then you should be taking protein.

Not to mention for those looking to loose weight protein is what makes you feel fuller for longer, so is better to replace a snack of some sort with a protein shake as so long as youve chosen your shake wisely and it isn't sugar or carb loaded will be a far better source of fuel than the packet of crisps or snack bar you might otherwise have consumed. So my honest opinion is that everyone should at least have a pack of decent protien powder even if its just for a rainy day. If you are training hard and breaking muscle that wants repairing, your body can always use the protien far more than it can the carbs you're undoubtedly eating (no matter if their "healthy/clean" carbs or otherwise).

Just my 2p, other coins are availible.

PS who is saying creatine is expensive??? Its the cheapest supplement available!

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

I only say it based on the level people are currently at. If you've got a decent diet and training routine then fill your boots if you understand what the supplement does and if you need it.

It shouldn't bother me at all, but it just bugs me when people dive straight for supplements when they've not even looked at sorting their diet out and have been training for two weeks and know the bare minimum. I just hate seeing people waste their money on things they don't need right now 

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44

^agree with both.

You have to factor in people's aims too. There are plenty of people in the gym that are only there to maintain or add a little muscle, but mainly to lose weight. I'd wager there are more of these vs those looking for mass if you factor in all those commercial gyms i.e. the mainstream.

I don't consume any protein shakes and I've been hitting the gym for 1 year. My aim is to keep my weight low and slowly add a few kilos over several months. I like being relatively light for athletic performance and it also helps with bodyweight exercises (which in many ways can be more beneficial than weights IMO).

A newb can build a good amount of muscle without supplements. I know I have. I look like I lift I'd like to think.

DeAdSoUls Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44


All the protein/supplements talk on here was confusing me. I wonder what people did before they were around?
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