Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:44
I've only been going to the gym about 3 weeks, and i can already see and feels a difference. I also have been doing Pilates for over a year, so that helps;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:45
Just tried the MyProtein flavdrops for the first time in a shake (had them in porridge once and forgot I had them!). Flippin awesome! I have the vanilla impact whey which I like but with the strawberry flavour it was awesome, tasted really nice. Will use them much more in the future!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:45
Anyone recommend hmb?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Omega 3
ZMA - At night
IL Cattivo
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Morning (Once a Day)
Atlantic Red-Krill Oil 500mg - Have a severe diskile for oily fish. I've read Krill Oil is far more benefical for you than Cod-Liver Oil, with it also being less prone to Mercury content than CLO.
BCAA's - Since the begining of the year I've drastically changed my diet cutting out many carbs and also portion sizes. BCAA's help to maintain current muscle mass while dieting, especially on low cal/carb diets. I don't want to waste away... 
Periodically (Once to twice a Day)
Whey Protien Isolate - Dependant on my natural Protien intake through meats..
Taurine - Taken if I know I am taking part in a sporting activity where I require high energy and endurance levels like Football or Tennis.
Zero Xtreme - Sugar Free Electrolyte Sports drink for the same as above...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Hi guys, What do you take to help with joints/knees "clicking " ??.
Thank you
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
I wouldn't worry about Mercury or any of the heavy metals. The limits are the same for all fish oil and many are well below the limits. Can I ask what brand of fish oil and what brand of krill are you talking about?
Id recommend a high strength fish oil over cod liver oil or krill. Much cheaper.
IL Cattivo
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Hi nonumb,
Since the begining of the year i've been using Bioglan Red Krill Oil Capsules (x30) purchased from Holland & Barrett. Kind of stock piled them back in January as they were in their 'Buy One get another for 1p' offer back then. Not sure if they still are now though!
Each capsule contains - 335mg Red Krill Oil plus 200mg of Fish Oil.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Currently only use MP flavoured Whey, currently trialling the Vanilla....Not bad, not too overpowering.Choc mint was nice, but got a bit sickly after a while.Strawberries & Cream was very nice, as was the smooth choc....
I might give the unflavoured a go, and buy some flavoured drops... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:08:46
Not much - I don't eat like a "health nut" either, I just try to keep it fairly balanced and nutritious; that doesn't mean that curries/chinese/etc are out, just that they're not frequent, and not the fattiest choices.
I usually drink some MyProtein Recovery XS (now re-christened to Post Workout XS) after more intense exercise, and take a couple of Alpha Male capsules whenever I know I'm not eating well/enough or if I feel I need to - "listen to your body" being one of the things I tend to try to do.
It's hard to actually prove, but I believe that the Recovery XS does help - I find myself less worn out/tired and better able to carry on at higher intensities when I do my cycling commute for 5 days a week (around 11 miles each way).