Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:42
15% off @ Myprotein use the code VC15, supposed to be for new customers only but works with existing customers also!.
Edit: my referral code is MP636498 if any new customers are ordering. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:43
Sweet, code works a treat!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:44
can you use both at the same time?what does a referral code do MP give you? on BP you get £5 off an order.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:45
Not sure about using both.
If you give the code to a new customer they'll get 5% off and you get some bonus points from their order and then obviously once you order things from there yourself you'll build up points which you can use to get money off orders.
Just like Clubcard points from Tesco's...
Sorry if you already knew this and i read your post wrong?!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:46
I'm just ordering from Maxiraw. Looks like it's Maximuscle's cheap range to compete with the likes of MyProtein? Or maybe they took over from Lucozade, which is what I used to buy. Anyone else tried their stuff?
Either way, they're really my only option for decently priced protein as MP have a flat rate for delivery here in Jersey at £33 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:47
What to people reckon to the following deal?
Maximuscle 56% Off
I am getting back into weight training but making sure I stick to it before I get anymore protein shakes and the like. Is maximuscle any good? Especially taste wise?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:48
Looks quite expensive to me.
A shaker is about 3 or 4 pound from Tesco.
Even if the protein bars were a £1 each then that is only £12.
A 1.2kg of protein powder should be no more than £25-£30 I would say.
And they recon the original price is £90?
Have you eve made your own protein bars? Its very easy and FAR cheaper than buying them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:49
Looks like they're referring the prices from Maximuscles website as they charge way over the odds of people like Dolphin fitness etc..
The ON website sells their protein at £75 for a 2kg tub, Dolphin fitness charge £45!
Have a look elsewhere to see if you can get the same items at a cheaper rate..
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:50
Try this supplement program, great for size, definition etc.I have some clients on it and they notice results very quickly!It's high dosages but you'll get nowhere with tiny amounts. Although if you are female or of a small build then I would suggest halving the dosages then go form there.
Also add in a couple of shakes a day.But always make sure you don't neglect real food as supplements are just that, supplements, but they do work.I use Garnell Nutrition and MyProtein
Before Breakfast
Glutamine 10 grams
BCAAs 10 grams
L-Leucine 10 grams
Creatine Monohydrate 5 grams
Beta alinine 3 grams
Arginine 5 grams (AAKG)
After Breakfast
Multi Vit/Mineral tablet
Glutamine 10 grams
BCAAs 10 grams
L-Leucine 10 grams
Creatine Monohydrate 5 grams
Beta alinine 3 grams
Arginine 5 grams (AAKG)
During Workout
Glutamine 5 grams
BCAAs 5 grams
L-Leucine 5 grams
Creatine Monohydrate 5 grams
Arginine 5 grams (AAKG)
Glutamine 10 grams
BCAAs 10 grams
L-Leucine 10 grams
Creatine Monohydrate 5 grams
Beta alinine 3 grams
Arginine 5 grams
Before Bed
Glutamine 10 grams
BCAAs 10 grams
L-Leucine 10 grams
Arginine 5 grams (AAKG)
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:07:51
I'd love to try that lot alongside a proper training regime but sadly I only earn a five figure salary.