Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:03
It’s got a 2019 release window.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:03
This better be a 10hour game at minimum.
I'll laugh if its a game as long as Defector.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:05
*Valve Time
So we'll be looking at 2037 at the earliest.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:05
Nah.. Valve promised this year and released a headset with no launch title. They can't take the piss that much. They have to release at least one AAA title.
Whats sad is they could literally just throw fans a bone. Release a Half Life 1 or 2 remake with VR capabilities or heck just release a VR mod for HL2 for now...
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:06
Nice bit of history etc
/proxy.php?image= Leaked 'Half-Life VR' Code Offers Clues for Valve's Upcoming VR Game As 2019 steadily draws to a close, eyes are increasingly turning toward Valve, which said it will release its first “flagship” VR game this year. Though there’s just two and a half months before the end of the year, the company still hasn’t formally announced the game. However, a series of code... /proxy.php?image=
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:07
Again, this is Valve we're talking about here. They're a bunch of;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:08
When you buy this game you’ll have to eat your words.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:09
The 2 are not mutually exclusive. 
I am miffed by valves lack of support in the VR space but would be a blinkered fool not to admit some of their IP has been anything other than top notch (even the stuff which does not float my boat)
If HL2 VR came out I would be happy as a pig in muck ... Not holding my breath however
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:10
I guess it all depends on what happens. Are Valve working on a refreshed version of HL2 etc along side a new HL prequel? If that’s true then no wonder there’s been silence for 3 years.
If that’s not coming though I’ll be disappointed too.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:11
Theres no doubt in my mind that Valve's VR games will be top tier. I base this on Portal 2 (their last good game) and Aperature Hand labs which in 5 minutes exhibits the character, flare and beautiful comedy Valve can do seemlessly.
One thing I'm kinda getting bored of from Valve though is the whole portal 2 kind of humour and aesthetic. I hope they go back to TF2 and Half Life.
Anyway all Valve need to do is basically release their big 3 pancake games in VR form.
1. Team Fortress 3 VR
2. Half Life 3
3. Portal 3
And they have won the VR market over 10x over. Masses of PC users will switch to VR to play those games after crying about Valve leaving them in the dust; they'd be that good.
Its clear valve have grown tired and out of ideas on how to further 2d/pancake gaming, so why not just move on completley to VR at this point rather than releasing card games on steam?
However, I just think Valve are arriving a little late to the party games wise. Oculus seem to at last be paying decent studios to make great games as evidenced by Asgards Wrath, and most likely Stormland and Lone Echo 2.
Valve's USP IMO is not their superior hardware but the fact they clearly are 100x more experienced than Oculus in making video games. However, quality over quantity only gets you so far. I'm hopping in the next 3 years, they release at least 10 exclusives, which not be possible for them; and if so, I think long term some Valve Index users might feel shortchanged as their Index controllers will likely be unoptimised for a lot of VR games and require new bindings and general PC fiddling to get right.
Where Valve REALLY need to improve is SteamVR. Its just not at or near Oculus Home's standards. Personally I find it quite upsetting as its clearly just a little bit of effort with the UI and front end. It screams to me, just not caring and I don't get why because Valve from a presentation wise can CLEARLY knock it out of the park. Just look at how awesome and beautiful the Lab is.
I do really hope Valve learn to respect their loyal customer base a bit better though. The way they handled the controller issues with early adopters is just downright unacceptable. At least Oculus (with the white static flash) eventually said its an issue and fixed it in an update. I know valve are eventually RMAing... but I did email them for clarification as I'm about to buy an Index and they gave me a reply which made me decide to wait.