Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:20
Doesn’t matter either way. Valve announced their game in 2019 when people said it would never happen. Now HL:Alyx will be the biggest game of 2020 with the hardware in numbers and the availability for all. Why release with limited supply and force people to buy other headsets?
People now have 4 months to plan and save for Index. Maybe Index will get a price drop in March for a huge push in time for Alyx.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:21
People this, people that. I was talking about yourself, not others.
So anyway, you were wrong.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:21
Alyx looks awesome. I loved in the trailer how finger tracking was used, for example putting bullets into the chamber.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:21
We don't really know a lot about this game yet, apart from a very short trailer. The thing that does seem to be overlooked is the tool set coming with this.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:21
Valve said a game was coming in 2019 not me.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:21
You said it.
I can try and dig up the old post if you like.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:22
You reckoned wrong fyi
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:22
HL Alyx looks great and at 1st glance looks up there at the sharp end of available VR titles.
However it is but 1 game and does not change the fact that Valve have been sitting on their collective backsides for far too long taking money from their monopoly in pc gaming.
I just hope this is a 1st of many titles to come going forward. People hate on them a lot but it is the likes of oculus and Epic forcing their hand imo to get back to making games.... And I welcome it .
Thier customer services sucks however. I bought a gamepad from them after 2 days I got a refund, no explanation, no sweetener of a little extra credit and worst of all not even an apology ..
Btw I was surprised Atmos you took so long to celebrate the game and decree it the best thing ever.... Where have you been?
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:22
He was banned for a while cos he was a naughty boy.
Whilst this game looks great I can't forgive them for not bringing Half Life 2 VR on day one of the Rift and Vive launching, or even since they launched.
They could have done a quick dirty gamepad and mouse and keyboard only port with a small team of 2 developers and 2 to 3 QA staff in 6 months or so. Them not doing so is UNFORGIVABLE.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:14:22
Lol I forgot about that one. 
Sadly snowdog didn't have the chops to take him up on it