Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:11
Not come across that audiofuel music before Kez. Just had a look on the website and it looks quite interesting.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:11
Steve - have you pushed the button on a GPS yet?
Wiggle seem to be doing decent prices, use the code20OFF for a 20% discount. They're already pretty well priced on Garmin kit.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:12
Hey mate, already ordered .... cheers anyway!
Should be here tomorrow - will report in!
(Do they make you run faster?)
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:12
Wear it and plot a route through moss side. You should set a few PBs 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:12
Hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Really don't like it. Not a fan 
I used to do them at school a lot, as myself and a couple of classmates were monitored as Scottish Institute of Sport guinea pigs. As you need to push yourself to your limits, I either ended up ill or angry at myself for 'failing'. Even now, 20 years later, it still plays on my mind and every bloody run I go on I have to end it absolutely flat out, and if I don't collapse in a heap on the floor or ground at the end I'm annoyed at myself.
There are some sports clinics and gyms that can measure you, for a (sometimes hefty) price, or you can get the test without the breathing apparatus which is just called the V max or something.
Never tried it. I shall Google!
Don't really have a favourite, I just kinda mix it up with various workouts I have noted down. I keep a notepad of decent workouts I find online and in mags and whatever and I have a load of personal training stuff here as I'm probably going to do that sometime soon.
We have a beach outside, and sand sprints are good. There's dunes about 15 mins away, so sometimes I charge up them then walk back down. Well, fall down would probably be more accurate. A few of those and I'm done.
I know that particular exercise you're talking about, but I've never heard it called a bastardo. Appropriate name though! That sort of stuff I do find fun 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:13
I have a boy's Adidas sportswatch for sale HERE would make a great Xmas present!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:14
Hi mate (again)
Garmin haven't dispatched my watch yet (poor really, as ordered it Monday) and so checked out Wiggle - that code is for purchases of £200 or more.
I complained to Garmin and suddenly they had a tracking number with UPS - not really impressed with the service. Ordered Monday 8:30am and hasn't been dispatched yet, despite me paying extra for "express delivery"
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:14
Shows the value of complaining, my watch arrived this morning at 10:30am.
Yesterday, when I rang Garmin, they were saying the order was still processing etc, so I said I'll cancel it and just use wiggle - they snapped into action and hey presto, here it is!
Looking forward to using it tomorrow now to pace my runs better - I ALWAYS go too fast, using a stopwatch is not helping - so lets see how the GPS goes.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:15
just to point out for anyone else considering a garmin, for every model i looked at wiggle were actually pretty dear for the garmins, and amazon come in cheaper
edge 200 on Amazon: 104, on wiggle 117
forerunner 410: 159 on amazon. 202 on wiggle
and thats been true for quite some time, i got my 410 from amazon at 125 and the wiggle price was the same as above
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:16
disappointed with the watch as it shows current pace & time rather than "average pace" which is what I wanted. When I glance down, I want to know that overall my pace is within my target rather than the current pace. Not happy.