Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:34
Have a look for Lakeland trails - there's about 8 events a year, entry for 2013 runs are open now, including the lakes half / full marathon. The entries are split between races for the serious runners and challenges for mere mortals.
Normal road running bores me rigid, so I've been looking at the trail events, living in Cumbria means I've got loads on my doorstep!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:34
Looks good. You're lucky living in Cumbria, what a place to run.
I enjoy the challenge of hill running, it really gets the hear rate up.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:34
hear your pain, no running for me with some pretty bad knee pain, giving it a rest for 2 weeks, then trying again, that might come down to a week though as i'm itching to get back out
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:34
The night orienteering events start soon when the clocks go back - it's interesting being on the fells or in the forests with a torch and a map. It's great training as you're so busy navigating that you have very little time to think about the actual running...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:34
I know, what a nightmare. We were totally smashed at the end of the half marathon and crossed the line .... seeing people carrying on!!!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:35
Dont know what you mean!
Sports massage today on my achilles.Definately not a massage with a happy ending!
Very very painful,especially when he was pinching the achillles, but afterwards, my ankles felt really good.So might hand the stopwatch back, and give parkrun a shot this weekend.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:35
Just been sent the route for my 15km trail run next weekend...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:35
It's a horrible feeling, being injured. That feeling of needing to get out and run, even if you know that if you were fit it would be a drag to get yourself out the house on the same wet, windy and miserable day.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:35
amen to that. i'm booked in for a proper gait analysis on saturday morning, when i started running in june i went to my local sports store which did gait analysis but it just seemed to be a kid who looked for a second, picked up a pair of asics and said here you need these. in an effort to ensure it's not the running shoes causing the problem i'm going to the shop with the best rep in ireland, going to bring my asics and see what they think, if they reckon they're wrong i'll change out for what they recommend. would be nice if that solved the problem as i am mad to get out for a run
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:22:35
I went to Leicester Running shop as recommended by someone in here, they were great, took their time and had me trying on many pairs of shoes but I still don't think they're quite right.
Theres unfortunately a difference between how your feet feel after 30 seconds on a treadmill and after 13 miles of concrete.
I get terrible blisters in my arches so most likely need wider trainers, I'm due a new pair so will be getting my gait re analysed soon