sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:59

60, 100, 130 tonight - could have done a bit more but didn't want to push it too much for the first time back. hands hurt now haha.
however, bent over row of 65kg was "easy" which was refreshing and military press of 50kg for a few sets felt good.
however, vertical barbell row doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but maybe thats due to not doing it for so long.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:59

Nicely done, I played with the big boys on the log yesterday to get some technique tips from guys who compete. Although I wasn't having a good day everything felt easier once I tweaked the way I do it, so 120 before the end of year or I'm for it apparently! Then went and did a legs session with my regular training buddies so am feeling it this morning!

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:00

nice one...yeah, I'll be doing my pull routine tonight - and I did 126kg deadlift last week...will raise that to 130kg tonight - and will try to maintain a 4kg increase every week... 

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:00

Are you driving up or forwards, you look like you're leaning slightly forward, depth is good though...

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:00

think i may have been leaning slightly forward - will need to be more strict next time

tazman007 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:00

OK, first target breached last night. Done 61kg (bodyweight) Squats 5x5 with no problems as yet and feel pretty happy with that and feel can go on further, so next target is 1.5 times bodyweight, 90kg.

My other 5x5 progress as follows:
Bench Press - 43kg
Barbell Rows - 43kg
Overhead Press - 35kg
Deadlift - 79kg

Still feel 'strong' in the BP, BR and DL in that I feel I can still progress significantly, but the OHP is becoming to be a bit of a bitch. I didn't manage the 35kg on Sunday afternoon (5,5,3,3,1) but managed 5x5 last night so likely to stall on this pretty soon, but we'll see.

One question, I've read somewhere that targets you should be aiming for are suggested as follows:
Squats - 1.5 x Bodyweight
BP - 1 x Bodyweight
DL - 2 x Bodyweight
OHP - 0.7 x Bodyweight
BR - ??

Any thoughts around those - I know it's nothing scientific but just thought it's useful for goal setting??


Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:01

There's no goals you should be aiming at, just what you want to do. Personally I look for small increases monthly working towards a bigger end goal, my main one at the minute is a 120kg log press before my training buddy. All normal so far except I weight 15kg's more than him and am about half a foot wider, the difference is he's more experienced in the gym than me so his technique is going up against my brute force and ignorance! We're also racing to a 200kg squat and 150kg bench press.

Is there anybody you train with that you can compete with? Our group ranges in body weight from a female at 55kg to me at 107kg so we work out strength to weight ratios to keep things level.

Spencer Jackson Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:01

At my peak I was deadlifting 200kgs for 4 reps, benched 142.5kg for 1 rep and squatting 180kg for 1 rep, this was not with the aid of a belt, I weighed in at 13st 5lbs. I achieved these by putting deadlifts in to my routine, before deadlifts i could only squat 140kg for 1 rep and bench 125kg for 1 rep.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:01

How long did that take you Spencer?

Spencer Jackson Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:02

Around 18 months from when i started doing deadlifts 
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