Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:49

I totally get that guys, I'd actually written a post out agreeing with you both and then remembered how bad my form can be on occasion so thought I'd add a different slant. It took me about 8 months to get my movement to a point where I was happy to put any sort of weight on the bar that made it feel difficult at all.

Nice one on the traps, they're my winter project so are getting a lot of hammer, what did you do for them last night?

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:50

well i did a back and shoulder session, so did overhead press at 50kg, deadlift upto 140kg, bent over rows at 65kg, upright rows at 45kg, lat pull down (machine was on 90kg, so what ever that is in real terms) and then some shrugs at 100kg with the barbell and 2 30kg dumbells.still aching now lol.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:51

Good stuff, have you ever tried doing a farmers walk? It batters your traps and helps with grip too, just get the heaviest dumbells available, pick em up by your side and walk with them for as long as you can.

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:52

my grip is soo sh*t lol.

we have 60kg dumbells at our place, i can't even pick them up long enough to get them out the rack, my grip is soo weak.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:52

Strong grip really helps in everything, just grab whatever you can carry and go for it, seriously it'll fry your traps - You don't see many strongmen with slender necks and flat shoulders! 

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:52

there isn't much space to actually walk about in ours (they have tried to cram in as much brand new equipment as possible - there is less space every passing day), but i will give it a go.

how about i take some with me on the treadmill haha.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:52

Or hold something heavy as long as can

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:53

will give them a go when the pain/aches have subsided lol. i haven't hit them hard in a while so that work out took its toll on me. meant to be in tonight for an arm session so will see how i get on. i LOVE the pump after an arm session

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:54

I might try training my arms on their own sometime, I'd never even done curls since I started training with my current partners at the beginning of the year! I've always been more of an "I want huge shoulders" type of bloke my arms are just in proportion with the rest of me.

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:55

on a good week i will do the following:

monday - back and shoulders
tuesday - football (no gym)
wednesday - arms (i have a superset regime i am following)
thursday - chest
friday - off
saturday - legs
sunday - chest

it doesn't always pan out that way though. my reasoning for 2 chest sessions a week is that the one on thursday is a lighter, hypertrophy training session - so 60-65kg bench press, 4 second negatives and explode up for 4 sets of 8 reps, lighter dumbell bench etc and then on sunday i want a heavy chest session, so will go for 80kgon the bench and trying to build up my dumbell bench too (currently the best is 38kg in each hand)
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