Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:55
Same city as me mate. Do you do all your workouts at home?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:55
If you fancy a trip over one Saturday morning, I'll happily spot you in a rack so you can go heavier without any fears of dropping the bar. Here's a vid of one of the rooms in the gym I train at, since it was taken another 4 power cages have gone in!
There's also loads of other cool stuff to try out that you don't find in many gyms, in the other rooms for afters!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:55
What an amazing gym! I fear I am too puny for that place at the moment. As soon as I get my squat to 3 plates I'll be up for going down to Leicester and giving the place a go. Is everyone that goes there a powerhouse?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:55
Far from it although there are some real tanks, the vast majority of members are ordinary blokes of all ages/abilities training their socks off for whatever reason. There's loads of female members who're just another woman lifting weights and have joined from other gyms where they felt uncomfortable being a woman lifting weights - That's how my missus ended up a member.
The main thing is it has an amazing atmosphere, members generally celebrate each other's pb's, my mates missus got a round of applause the first time she deadlifted 120kg. It's exactly the sort of place you want to train at as there's no egos and loads of encouragement.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:56
Sounds great, I will come down then for sure when I'm fit I'd love to lift at a place like that and my mate I lift with would be we well up for it I'm sure too.
Bloody shoulder is knackered at the moment which is depressing so I can't lift anything above my head without pain. Last night I tried to lift a 10kg dumbell just to see how it would feel and before I'd even pressed it 1 inch it was hurting so I gave up. Am thinking of going to the doctor, but I know how useless they are usually at my docs, ibuprofen is all they ever say for every ailment. I don't know whether to rest it completely or try and do something for it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:57
Find somebody who knows what they're doing, there's no point making things worse, could be worth a physio visit. Once you're right again drop me a pm if you both fancy a meet and we'll make it happen, you'd hate it not being able to press and it'd be worth practicing your deadlift for the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:57
Yep, all at home at the moment - diificult to find time to take up a gym membership at the moment
That's really kind of you, and I may take you up on that offer - just need to get my sister-in-laws wedding out of the way in December. If I'm still struggling at that time, I'll call you on that in the New Year if it's still OK with you then.
Thanks very much 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:57
No worries dude, just drop me a pm. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:57
well, I managed some 90kg suqats before...I started off with some warmups of 40kg, then sets of 50kg, 60kg, and 70kg...tho not as many as I used to do... but thought maybe the jump of 20kg maybe too much - but was ok...I managed 3x5 sets, and I struggled on the 4th set - well, was my lower back more than anything else... 
but happy I managed to do it 
campy mccamper
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:00:57
I'm sticking at 100kg for now. I don't want to risk hurting my knees, that and I'm too old now to walk around like John Wayne the day after because my Glute's are so sore.