Spencer Jackson Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:20

I never did deadlifts before that, I was told by an ex bodybuilder to start deadlifts to increase all over size and power, it worked a treat

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:21

Simply gaining bodyweight will increase all of your lifts.It's all about leverages.You can drop the fat later.I'm on a bulk and have gained about 4-5kg so far.I plan to add about 3kg more between now and Feb then I'll cut back down to around 76kg.

Obviously keeping your protein high helps.

I wanted to squat today but I won't be going heavy.Still recovering from yesterday's football and I have a game tomorrow too.Today will just be speed practice at <90kg. On Thursday I'll do some box jumps then go heavy on squats. The biggestlimiting factor in my squats has been upper back strength and thoracic   shoulder mobility. It's a learning curve. It just goes to show it's a full body movement and imo the absolute best exercise you can do in the gym.

That's a big squat.Good work

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:22

Here's a quote from another thread where I posted it at the weekend, it's a real balancing act to not get much fatter but have plenty of energy and keep gaining weight. I'm naturally a big lad and stating the right side of 18st is a struggle if I let things get out of hand!

I'm all for heavy compound movements, they're my favourite type of exercise and although I'm not great at them deadlifts are getting close to number one in my house - Especially after a husband and wife pb session on Saturday! 

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:23

it's my push routine tonight...so, will try that bench press technique of arching my back...

i was chatting to the trainer of my friday nights classes (kettlercise and metafit) and was saying what routine I did etc - I said I was upto a 130kg deadlift-but this is reps (tho, only managed 3x5 last week, I expect 5x5 this week) - he said he could do 170kg for 1 rep...

which leads me to - you see strong men do single reps of an exercise (squat etc) - is that just a show of strength, or is it an integral part of a training routine?

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:24

For bench press I would just concentrate on tensing the glutes and keeping your upper back tight (shoulders pinned back and down).Everything else will start to fall in place.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:24

The strongmen and power lifters I know, do singles, doubles and triples as part of their routines as that's how they complete. For non competitive lifters it gives an indication how you're progressing with your strength goals. Personally 1rm's are how I track my progress throughout the winter

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:25

Does anyone here front squat

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:26

Yep, it's what I do whilst waiting for my training buddies to show up, I'm told it'll really help improve my leg drive when pressing overhead.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:27

I didn't quite get the 180 double I hoped for, there's been a move around at the gym and there's no mirrors in front of the squat racks which I found off putting, the good news is I managed 170 for 4 and did 180 for two singles. Just couldn't get my movement pattern right which messed my head up, still a really good heavy session though. Still determined for 200kg, by the end of the year.

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:01:28

That's a steep target.That's what 15kg odd in 6 weeks? Hope you get there

I'd like 140kg by the end of the year.I did 130kg for a good single last week.I'll be happy once I reach 2x bw which should be about 150kg.
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