OK, first target breached last night. Done 61kg (bodyweight) Squats 5x5 with no problems as yet and feel pretty happy with that and feel can go on further, so next target is 1.5 times bodyweight, 90kg.
My other 5x5 progress as follows:
Bench Press - 43kg
Barbell Rows - 43kg
Overhead Press - 35kg
Deadlift - 79kg
Still feel 'strong' in the BP, BR and DL in that I feel I can still progress significantly, but the OHP is becoming to be a bit of a bitch. I didn't manage the 35kg on Sunday afternoon (5,5,3,3,1) but managed 5x5 last night so likely to stall on this pretty soon, but we'll see.
One question, I've read somewhere that targets you should be aiming for are suggested as follows:
Squats - 1.5 x Bodyweight
BP - 1 x Bodyweight
DL - 2 x Bodyweight
OHP - 0.7 x Bodyweight
BR - ??
Any thoughts around those - I know it's nothing scientific but just thought it's useful for goal setting??
Cheers. |