Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:06

A fact is something that can be proven by unquestionable evidence. On that basis I see no facts there.

The only fact is Oculus are releasing a 'Rift S' which has a similar spec and price to the Rift.

You can speculate that this is them deciding not to pursue higher end VR but it's misleading to try to pass it off as fact.

Others might speculate that this is simply a method of cutting costs. Maybe their market research says that PC VR still needs accessible, affordable VR if it's going to survive?

That they use Go lenses could lead one to speculate that a subsequent model may appear using Quest lenses.

But none of us know the future, so let's have no more of the pretend facts.

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:06

Surplus? Cheap? Subsequent more expensive model will use other lenses? Who knows.

I expected, if Oculus was going to release a 'proper' new headset, that, at least initially the cost would be at a premium - at least £500.

That it's practically the same price suggests that it's just a hotfix type thing.

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:07

I`ve not seen the presentation yet but it does make sense for Oculus to take this approach to get "A billion people in VR". The 80hz thing on this cant be compared to older dev kits chugging away at 75hz. DK1`s never had the asw software to back them up, add to that underpowered GFX cards. Don't forget PSVR runs at 60hz with a bit of frame manipulation to make it 120hz.

I wouldn't say I`m disappointed, but I`m not especially impressed. The design is ok I just wish they had headphones like the rift.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:07

Yup, the lack of headphones and no nose gap are the two things I'm most disappointed about. I'm still not sure if I'm getting one or not yet.

I'm certainly not going anywhere near the Reverb because of it only having two front facing cameras, the Rift S is bound to have superior tracking.

chopples Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:08

Got to say not really feeling this announcement, seems like an amalgamation of the "lesser" headsets they have been working on with a Hdmi (sorry display port) lobbed on.

Agree on some decisions they have made such as with the headphones seem backwards, not convinced by inside out tracking either but will reserve judgement on it until we have more feedback.

I don't doubt it will be a great option for people thinking of joining the VR space and I guess that was thats what they are now selling to, but as a Rift owner of 2 plus years I was hoping for something much more to encourage me to trade up.


thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:09

I'll probably be upgrading to one if the tracking is okay I think. I would have preferred it if it had the same resolution as the Quest though.

I'm pretty certain that they'll add sensor support to it in the not too distant future though.

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:10

This is aimed at getting more consumers into VR. And its going to work.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:11

Yup, and this new partnership with Lenovo could also see an Oculus branded VR Ready PC at a decent price too, perhaps?

For me it all depends on the tracking. We know that the displays and optics are going to be the dog's bollocks, the only thing stopping me from deciding to buy one or not is how the tracking is. It should piss all over the WVR headsets with regards to tracking, and I've always said that the only thing stopping them from being high end VR headsets is the inside out tracking.

Hopefully Oculus have got that sorted out.

If it is good then I have a decision to make. Do I pay £500 off my credit card in May to cover the cost of the ridiculous telly I've recently bought and then buy one in November or do I use that 500 quid to upgrade to a Rift S and give my Rift to one of my mates? 

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:11

On this I 100% agree. The rift s looks a fantastic product. Affordable polishedhigh quality VR that is comfortable and easy to use.

I just wish oculus were servicing the highest end as well. I get why it is not a priority but it is just such a damn shame none of the other players offer a product which is as well refined around the edges.
The whole oculus infrastructure I personally just prefer. The new HP hmd looks fab but tracking likely to be as flawed as other windows hmds.
Vive has poorer lenses and has wands, and without the das is not as comfortable.
Pimax distortion, LED screen , and generally rough around the edges and more like a Dev kit (albeit I have not tried it)

And the rift s.... Looks comfy, looks like a proper retail product, all the good stuff software wise of the rift...

But LED panel, headphones look to have gone backwards, question marks on tracking, software IPD adjustment and I will be amazed if the FOV has not shrunk.

I do hope the CV2 is not 2 or 3 years out.

I really do not want to be relying on valve but it looks that way right now for me

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:12

Well assuming that HTC are still in business they'll release their Vive 2 next year, but knowing them it's going to be expensive.

I still think that Oculus will allow sensors to be used to improve tracking, the world and his wife are calling for it on Reddit.

I wouldn't worry about the LCD so much because using them would seriously cut down the god rays and SDE, it hasn't done the Pimax much harm and it wouldn't surprise me if the Rift S displays are of better quality with better black levels. I'm not sure who manufactures the Pimax displays but BOE manufacture the display in the Oculus Go, and I was personally surprised to see that the Quest has OLED displays because I've been expecting all Oculus headsets to switch to LCDs.
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