Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:39
So Oculus no longer manufacture a PCVR headset FACT! If I’m wrong Nate must be wrong!
So Oculus are not making the Rift S and stopped making the Rift. The conclusion to this is Oculus have abandoned PCVR HMD manufacturing. Which they have.
This explains why Rift S is so different to Quest.
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:40
Oculus have designed and released a PCVR headset. Fact.
Is it ARM that design processors but don't manufacture them themselves? They do OK.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:41
You've only addressed ONE of my points, that still makes my other three points valid. 
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:42
So now you admit I was right, Lenovo manufacture Rift S not Oculus.
And Oculus no longer manufacture any PCVR headset.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:43
I tried telling people years ago Facebook doesn’t care about PCVR, now I’m proven right.
Oculus have switched their production lines from Rift to Quest and cut PCVR lose. Asking Lenovo to manufacture what is basically a WMR headset that runs on Oculus Home.
If Oculus were really serious about PCVR they would open the Oculus Store to all WMR headsets in the same way Valve did with the SteamVR App.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:44
Well we still don't know the details. BOE manufacture the displays for the Oculus Go and Oculus Rift-S. It isn't a BOE headset. Samsung manufacture the displays for the Vive and Vive Pro, they're not Samsung headsets. BOE, Samsung and Lenovo are MANUFACTURING PARTNERS with Oculus and HTC. Headsets aren't manufactured all in one go in one factory. We don't know who manufactures the lenses, circuit boards, electronics etc, we know that Oculus manufacture the Touch controllers, we know that Oculus manufacture the sound tubes for the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest.
Even if Lenovo manufacture the Rift-S ENTIRELY (and we know that they don't) it will still be an Oculus headset.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:45
Well you believe what you want to believe @snowdog. Nate admitted Lenovo Manufacture Rift S but if you believe there are Rift S coming out of the Facebook factory that’s up to you. Buy the Rift S and read the label on the bottom and then tell me it was manufactured by Oculus.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:46
do you really give 2 squits who makes it?so long as it supports the oculus infrastructure and software that is what matters.the heart of it that matters is designed by oculus.
(FWIW I think you are correct on this, I think oculus have licensed it out to Lenovo to build but that is the least of the issues i have with RiftS)
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:47
You're not proven right. You do not know what 'Facebook care about'. You do not know what their plans are, you don't know what's in the pipeline.
There is no evidence to 'prove you right'. You are no more right, or no more wrong, than you were years ago.
You just have an opinion, same as the rest of us.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:48
It doesnt really matter who built it, its still an Oculus.
Car manufacturers have been doing this for years, like the following which are all the same cars but by different manufacturers (and slight differences)...
Toyota Aygo = Citroen C1 = Peugot 107
Nissan Primastar/Renault Trafic/Vauxhall Vivaro
Peugeot Partner = Citroen Berlingo
Suzuki Wagon R = Vauxhall Agila
Previous Ford Galaxy = VW Sharan = SEAT Alhambra
The list goes on.
I am sure that Toyota still makes cars, and haven't given up on them, despite someone else manufacturing one of their most well known cars.
This is what business is all about. A manufacturer will find the best and cheapest solution.