Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:30
What ever happened to Projections? Not watched one of their videos since last year.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:31
I'm expecting a Quest-Lite but with the option of using sensors to improve the tracking. Same FOV as the Rift but higher resolution displays. We'll also probably see ASW 2.0 being released at the same time I think.
It would be a bit pointless releasing a headset with a higher FOV because the vast majority of people won't own a GPU capable of running one without foveated rendering.
Assuming that the Rift S is released this year we'll see the Rift 2 being released in 2022 with foveated rendering, varifocus and 140 degrees FOV with the same form factor as the Rift and Rift S. I'd rather have only 140 degrees FOV with the same form factor than 170 degrees FOV that the Pimax has but having a bloomin great big ugly as fudge form factor, although Oculus might go for curved displays too (assuming that the displays in the Half Dome WEREN'T curved of course), because they have a patent for using curved displays. I'm not sure where that would stand with the patent that Samsung have regarding curved displays though, I'm pretty sure that the patent that Oculus got granted was granted before the Samsung one but I will stand to be corrected on that!
I also think that we'll see similar fast-switch LCDs in the Rift S and Rift 2 from BOE that they have in the Oculus Go too.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:32
MRTV says no Rift S...
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:33
Hmmmm well I must admit I thought it would be odd announcing a rift S at the same time as trying to big up quest.... But with so many rumours I guess I may have fallen for the hype. Whoever made up that rumour however is a winker. Feel free to substitute 1st vowel!
Hopefully they will still announce something in a few days
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:34
There's a press embargo until the 20th so SOMETHING is going to happen during GDC I think. There wouldn't be any point in an embargo otherwise.
Could be Quest news, could be Rift S news. Could be hardware, could be software or it could be a bit of both.
But as far as this talk of Rift S goes I'd say there's no smoke without fire.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:35
Why is Beat Saber such a big thing? If this was a normal Pancake game it wouldn’t get a such attention. It’s just an absence of anything decent. If you’ve already played Beat Saber to death on Rift are you that excited to play it even more on Quest with probably less visual quality?
I don’t own Beat Saber and I have no interest in it. If Quest had a Starwars game that needed such Saber swinging then great there’s a point to that but god standing in a room flailing my arms around in time to music just doesn’t do it for me. I’d rather kill some dragons in Skyrim any day.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:35
MRTV initial imrepressions of Quest.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:36
I’m really surprised the FOV is smaller than the Rift.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:37
Trust you to only comment on the 1 negative in an otherwise glowing review 
Tracking looks a real promising and a nice oled screen same as the £1000 vive pro.
RE FOV 2 thoughts
1) he uses glasses which will significantly reduce it. I use contacts so this will help loads
2) it is powered by a potato. Given the hit increased FOV adds I guess it is no surprise.IF (when it eventually comes) the new rift has a smaller FOV I will be moaning along side you but for a mobile device I think anyone sensible will expect compromises.
Quest is a mobile device aimed at affordable VR for people who dont havea top spec PC. It is not going to compete with PC VR but it may get a lot more people using VR, which is ultimately the goal of oculus and is something that a £800 device with double the grunt and a 20% better FOV (which personally i would be more interested in)is unlikely to do.
.... the question is how will it compare to other similar headsets such as the vive focus as that is its battleground. (I have no idea as i know little about the focus)
Truth is i am more interested in Quest than i thought i would be... but i wont be getting one preorder that is for sure.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:37:38
i think it is more the technical success of the tracking which is impressing a lot of people. I have never played BS myself and up until today i had zero interest in it.... but given many people (myself included) question the accuracy and coverage of inside out tracking, this being a launch title to me is a big "bring it on" statement from oculus WRT inside out tracking of controllers.
given the amount of love for the game however you (and I) are in a minority of people it seems with little interest in it.Indeed it is the shear number of people who tell me i am wrong that has me interested....... given i have not played it who am i to pooh pooh it?