Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:51
Snowdog said I was talking nonsense, I proved him wrong. The point is Facebook have pulled out of manufacturing PCVR headsets.
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:52
Well, that's not provable at the moment.
What we (apparently) know is that they will mot be manufacturing the Rift S.
They may still manufacture other headsets.
So I'm not sure you've offered any proof.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:52
That was ONE point out of FOUR, and the fact that Oculus have designed and are releasing another PC VR headset proves that they're not abandoning PC VR like you've originally claimed, whether they're manufacturing the thing or not. Try addressing the other three points that you're ALSO wrong about.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:53
If they’ve stopped manufacturing the Rift and Lenovo manufacture the Rift S what other PCVR headset does Oculus or Facebook have? I don’t see one.
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:54
But we don't see a Steam one other than rumours and supposed leaks.
They tend not to let us know what they're working on.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:55
A couple of people have already gone over this. The Rift S is an Oculus headset. They own the IP, they own the platform, they own the name, they own the tracking system it uses, they own the patents on everything except for the head strap which they've licenced from Lenovo who, in turn, have licenced it from Sony. The only thing we don't know is the details of manufacturing. I suspect that Oculus manufacture their own Touch controllers but, who knows, maybe they've given Lenovo a licence to manufacture that? It REALLY doesn't matter, it's an Oculus headset which is why it has
In bloomin great big letters on the front of the thing.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:56
Actually let's look at it another way (note I am just teasing really).
So Atmos. You are saying that the RiftS is a Lenovo product and not an oculus product?
In which case disproving the theory that oculus is a walled garden only allowing oculus products on their store then? 
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:56
Oculus have almost certainly used subcontractors somewhere in China for all their mass produced headsets. And the supply base will be quite complicated: someone will be doing final assembly but someone else will be making the lens, someone else the displays, someone else the fabric, etc. etc.. I really doubt there is a production line of facebook employees somewhere. Its the same schtick apple do with Foxconn, its still very much an Apple product. This is a pointless debate.
The only surprise here, for me, is Lenovo are a named partner.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:57
Snowdog Valve owned all the same stuff but HTC built the HMD. It wasn’t Valves HMD even though they owned the IP
Do you need big blooming letters to understand?
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:38:58
I’ll even provide a picture. Look big letters. Lenovo!