Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:55

Played Valkyrie and its actually very good.
Just played the team shooter mode and the graphics are fantastic and it runs really well.
If this is the shape of games to come then I am VERY happy for VR.
Speaking of which, the DK2 are now going for almost £400 on eBay 

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:56

How is the DK2 going up in price??!! I know it's no longer in production by I don't understand this recent demand for them now the CV1 is imminent.

mambo1888 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:57

For me, I put off getting one for over a year as I waited for the CV1. Then after placing my pre order it was probably 50% wanting to try it before spending £530 on a CV1 and 50% not being able to handle the anticipation lol. I think there will be a lot of people who pre ordered wanting to try out before they buy but at £400 is just crazy!!

Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:58

I think because they are no longer available new and still a lot cheaper than the CV1.
You can also have one in a few days this way too, instead of being in a queue with a date of June.
If the CV1 was £350 then they would go for £200 I bet.
If you want one you either pay £530 or £400, its a sellers market at the minute.

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:58

I think it's very valuable to the progress of VR in general that these units will continue to be available, and hopefully the prices will soon drop.

An accessible way into VR for those not sure about the price of a new box. Also at 75fps, not as GPU hungry as the CV1.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:17:59

So there it is then...

Elite developer Frontier focusing on SteamVR over Oculus

Vive it is!

psikey Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:00

I won't base a decision on one game as I'm sure it would be compatible anyway after any exclusivity period for SteamVR. Project Cars also announced they are fully supporting Rift. I've not bothered with Elite Dangerous as have nowhere near the gaming time to put in to make the most of it.

Project Cars updated to support Rift SDK 0.8 as developers prepare for its retail launch

I also found this a good read especially regarding the Touch controllers Why VR is the future of gaming, Part 1: Oculus Rift and Bullet Train

Cha1ky Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:00

Some will.I'm sure someone said Elite was a big factor in their decision. Wonder if they'll cancel the Rift order......

There's no exclusive period though. Just they are prioritising the Vive support by the looks of it.

psikey Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:01

That could mean I get March delivery instead of April 

Which is weird as its not a Full Room VR game is it ?? I'm sure SteamVR has had some words! Plus, ED was never sold as a VR game specifically so still appeals to PC gamers generally.

I've not ruled out the Vive and will be keeping my eye on pre-orders/price come and Feb.


Plus Frontier have now clarified the Eurogamer post saying they are still working on Oculus support. At least a few "hot-heads" may have cancelled their Rift orders 

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:02

I'm not an Elite player but I can see the appeal. I'm optimistic though that support will come. If you're not a March recipient (and it's end of March) then hopefully support will come along.

I'm hoping Assetto Corsa SDK 1.0 support will be ready for when my CV1 drops through the door. Otherwise I think I'll just use it to grow some cress in.
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