MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:33

i think i read somewhere all the breakout box does is distort the image ready for VR.   not sure if this is confirmed however.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:33

There must need to be a significant overscan for it to have the information to the left, right, top or bottom to enable you to turn your head ahead of the next frame being rendered. How far can you move your head in 1ms?

jassco Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:34

presumably slower than being able to move your mouse with sensitivity set to highest

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:34

@jassco almost certainly, so its probably not a lot of extra information.

Interesting write up of asynchronous time warp at Oculus' website, they don't seem to be convinced...


richard plumb Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:34

PSVR processing box does the following
- dewarps the 'binocular' image into a single rectangular image for sending to the TV so people can see what you see
- handles 3D audio processing
- if a game has an asymmetric screen (like the cat and mouse or monster chasing demos) then it is sent over USB and the box handles displaying it

The headset can display 90 or 120Hz. The ps4 can render games at
- 60fps reprojected to 120fps
- 90fps reprojected to 90fps
-120fps reprojected to 120fps

Reprojection just means that after drawing the scene, you might have moved your head a bit. So it checks the position again just before it is about to display the image, and shifts it a bit to compensate. That reduces the latency and helps make sure you see the image in a location you're expecting

If running a game at full 90 or 120fps, this reprojection doesn't increase frame rate or inject new frames - it just adjusts the current frame to be more up to date with your head position. If running a game at 60fps, the reprojection has to run twice (it is refreshing at 120hz) so there is more of a chance you'll have moved a larger distance. So not ideal but it at least gives developers a choice what to target

As for drawing extra around the edges to compensate for reprojection. You can, but ideally you don't want to draw all the way around which wastes time. You can reduce that by estimating based on current movement and speed. Eg if a user is turning their head quickly to the right, they are likely to continue in that direction for the next refresh so you can draw more off the right edge ready for reprojection.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:35

These guys are quite scathing of the PSVR...

The best VR headset, after a week at GDC

Interesting what they said about the Rift not well accomodating glasses when compared to the Vive and PSVR.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:36

ouch, bit of a body blow for the PSVR!

glasses wise that sucks i guess tho i am happy using contacts whilst VRing..... for me the take home thing there was how good they said the tracking was in the rift, it sounds much better than i was expecting, even 360 degree tracking of touch without moving the camera.not sure how that works TBH.

So they preferred vive due to its chaperone, however, unless i am mistaken, valve have said this will be fully inplace for the CV1 as well, so that is good news.

so VIVE in 1st place, rift a shade behind and then PSVR a distant 3rd.
I had pretty much decided to not bother with touch, enjoy my rift this generation and then jump ship to vive next gen when they had sorted out their erganomics a bit more, however IF that artticle is true, then i may yet buy a touch and fully commit to the oculus eco system. i will need to play with the touch 1st however because TBH i just cant see how it can track as well as what those guys were saying.

Houghsx Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:37

Nobody else has picked up the motion control issue so not taking much notice of that tbh and from the demos I have seen it didn't seem to be an issue.If more reports came out stating this then yes I would take note and see it as an issue.Plus there's more than enough time for new motion controllers to appear.

RMGEE Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:38

I normally love new tech but I just can't get excited over VR although I've never tried it 

I've been following the Oculus & Vive threads and watched a few videos but nothing I see does anything for me.

I'll probably end up getting one of them though 

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:39

I think your problem is clear in the above line...... I have yet to see anyone not be impressed by VR once they have experienced it.. assuming they have set the hmd up correctly and are not trying it without their glasses on and without contact lenses). even if for some it is not yet good enough to bite the bullet on.

I have demoed it to a lot of people and the response has been from
"must have" and gone and bought a HMD that evening, through to "wow" I cant wait till the SDE is sorted and the resolution increased a little (hopefully CV1 will get these people to commit)

but no one i have demoed it to have not been impressed by the potential at least, even if not out and out fanboys like i am 

Hell even my dad was stunned by it, and he is totally disinterested in anything tech based.
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