Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:57

Agreed @s73!

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:58

apparently Sony are considering supporting their PSVR headset on PC .

I wonder if this will mean SonyVR excluisves will be HMD exclusives rather than console platform exclusives.

A lot to hope for, and maybe a pipe dream, but maybe this would mean hacks which would unlock it on other HMDS

Sony investigating PlayStation VR support for PC

ReddFour Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:58

Yes I game although a far more casual gamer than many here or so it seems judging by threads like the division. (just an observation, genuinely not meant as a slur).

The dk2 was a while ago now. I think I even previously mentioned my comments on that. It was various games.

Twenty years ago I would probably have been all over it. Maybe. Actually maybe not but I think I would have been more interested. Also none of my friends are interested which isn't surprising.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:18:59

To each their own, but to me it does not compute how you could not put on a HMD and not be blown away by it.
700hrs in VR in Elite alone and it still wowed me.Even "dull" titles like ETS2 for me are outstanding in VR.

Houghsx Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:00

I personally can't wait to watch films in a VR unit.I like to be focused on the film and hate it when people talk or interrupt, but maybe I'm just grumpy 

psikey Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:00

I had a free GearVR with my S7 and everyone who tried it were impressed with the experience but after being exposed to FullHD/4k the screen quality is lacking and and for my family (16-76 ages) all ended up feeling sick with games. I know the PC VR will diminish this due to faster fps but I will revisit once VR matures and 4K is cost effective. I cancelled my Oculus March pre-order

s73 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:00

Damn you and your frivolous cancelling. I guess it means I'm 1 unit closer to my date!!!

I totally understand and am sorely tempted by the Vive but I can't afford both just now. If had a time machine and both were available to preorder on the same day I would have to flip a coin to choose

Sunshinewelly Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:01

I still do not understand why someone would chose the oculus over the hive.It's been confirmed that the fov on the hive is better.It's confirmed the brightness is better and the tracking is better.Am I missing something here.

s73 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:01

For me I guess it was because 1. I had already tried the DK2
2. I'm not keen on the idea of standing up with VR
3. Preorder release dates/prices

s73 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:02

For me I guess it was because 1. I had already tried the DK2
2. I'm not keen on the idea of standing up with VR
3. Preorder release dates/prices
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