Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:53
And it would be nice if the Index lenses are edge to edge focused.
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:54
Theres a double lens patent from Valve which has people excited.
I'm hoping they don't make too many compromises to keep the price down. I'd sooner pay £800 and upgrade my GPU to have a monsta VR experience from Valve. Leave the value for money option to the ROFL-S.
The IPD slider suggests they're not compromising!
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:55
A double lens system would explain the (pretty dull imo) logo so that is not a bad shout actually . Just what ever happens don't believe anything you read for next 24 hrs.
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:56
A leaked developer video (now removed) shows 2160 x 2432 pixels per eye. Also worth noting they appeared to be running a 1080ti but at 90% sampling. Also claims of 120Hz.
I know its April 1st but an April Fool's joke of something very plausible but not provocative is pointless, therefore unlikely.
So I think that's just less than the Pimax 5k but if it is the rumoured 135 degrees FOV then that's likely the same pixel density as the Pimax 5k.
Not sure why we need 120Hz. Its an improvement, obviously, but if 90Hz was good enough then why? Guess I'd need to try it. I certainly can feel the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz on my monitor.
A higher res but a down sample suits me. Makes for a more future proof HMD. We're all going to want a VRLink GPU for the next gen HMDs anyways. If we can't yet have wireless.
If eye tracking and foveated rendering isn't built in, I hope there is an upgrade path and Valve implement it at the driver level.
@MikeKay1976 the double lens logo has been speculated elsewhere. Also that the 'index' is some sort of reference to the 'index of refraction' which kinda works.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:57
Rumour are Valve are using the 1001ppi JDI 2160x2432 panel. This was previously rumoured to be used in the next PSVR.
Valve have really opened the hornets nest. Lol.
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:57
I still see 'May 2019'
Valve Index
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:58
Yep, best to hold off on expectations until we have some solid facts and specs (and actual hands-on reviews). Far too often we get led down the garden path only to be sorely disappointed 
The Vive blew me away when I got it, but other than a few good features on the Pimax 8K I haven't been really enthused with VR developments lately.
Tiger Feet
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:59
Such a crap name.A least their distribution is sorted.Oh no, hangon its not the 90's is it.
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:59
@Tiger Feet ... //
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:00
Here's the double lens patent...
Not exactly easy reading but Figure 3 kinda shows how this double lens could offer a significantly larger FOV without an increase in lens or HMD. I finks 