Valve index VR headset
IndexWell this should be interesting.
Ohhhhh yeeasaaaahhhhhhhh HMD means Knuckles, means Game, means Halflife prequel, means insta buy. Due to lack of any detail, read this instead. So it’s called Index Wouldn't stop me buying but what a rubbish name!. Has proper physical IPD setting so that is nice. Looks like cameras on the side. Is this gonna be inside out do you think? Or is it just because the wider FOV means it has sticking out bits on the side
Not long to wait to find out
2 months! Hopefully it is bundles with knuckles type controllers
Valve Index Blimey, they could have come up with a better name! 
Those cameras are probably passthrough I think...I can't see them abandoning their own tracking system. This is one to watch closely for me I think.
In a couple of months I might have a reasonable amount of VR budget.
But I have a 980Ti so would probably need a new GPU.
So, as ever, the question will be what's the launch price, should I commit at launch or sit back for another year? HTC must be sh*tting bricks! Blue coloured bricks probably.