Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:36
Looks like extra FOV from this picture.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:36
Aye o think you are right. I am really interested in this I hope the whole package is decent
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:37
As far as cameras are concerned there have only ever been pictures taken with those two on the front.
My guess -Valve will sell the HMD with Knuckles only to keep costs down like WMR. Base Stations will be sold seperately for those who want the best tracking.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:38
I'm so pumped that Knuckles are finally going to be here in may. //
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:39
I'll only believe it when we see it considering the company involved lol 
May might just be the reveal of the specs, we could still be looking at a release in 2037 
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:40
Indeed may could be the reveal and this just a tactic to distract from rift S but I do think we are close .,2019 for sure
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:41
Whether I get a Rift S or a Valve Index all depends on three things:
1) The price of the thing. I'm only going to have 600 quid to spend on a new headset.
2) Whether I can run it and the likes of Elite Dangerous with my 1080 without turning all of the settings down.
3) Whether I'm okay giving Valve that sort of money.
If it has eye tracking and foveated rendering then number 2) won't be a problem but will impact the price. And number 3) depends on what game(s) they're releasing with it.
I won't be getting a Cosmos though because the tracking won't be as good as it is with the Rift S and I won't be getting an HP Reverb because of the tracking and because whilst a 1080 is a minimum spec GPU for it you'll need to turn all of the settings down to play anything decent.
So my two options are a Rift S or a Valve Index the way things stand at the moment.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:42
So are there any actual specs released for this? Or still all just conjecture at this point?
If there is going to be a full HMD BS Knuckles package, I honestly can't see it coming in at less than £800 sadly.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:42
We've no details at all at this point, just that it has a physical IPD adjustment and that GabeN has confirmed that they're selling a headset only SKU for those people that already own base stations.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:15:43
All conjecture. No specs. Alert from previous interviews and what Valve have said over the last two years. Everything we thought we know could have changed.