A leaked developer video (now removed) shows 2160 x 2432 pixels per eye. Also worth noting they appeared to be running a 1080ti but at 90% sampling. Also claims of 120Hz.
I know its April 1st but an April Fool's joke of something very plausible but not provocative is pointless, therefore unlikely.
So I think that's just less than the Pimax 5k but if it is the rumoured 135 degrees FOV then that's likely the same pixel density as the Pimax 5k.
Not sure why we need 120Hz. Its an improvement, obviously, but if 90Hz was good enough then why? Guess I'd need to try it. I certainly can feel the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz on my monitor.
A higher res but a down sample suits me. Makes for a more future proof HMD. We're all going to want a VRLink GPU for the next gen HMDs anyways. If we can't yet have wireless.
If eye tracking and foveated rendering isn't built in, I hope there is an upgrade path and Valve implement it at the driver level.
@MikeKay1976 the double lens logo has been speculated elsewhere. Also that the 'index' is some sort of reference to the 'index of refraction' which kinda works. |