Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:43

All conjecture.

More conjecture.

But again, Facebook don't keep Oculus afloat. Facebook own Oculus. Facebook afford Oculus a budget. Oculus strategise, and spend, according to that budget.

If Facebook did not provide the budget that they do, Oculus would strategise differently. If they didn't have a budget of $xm then they wouldn't spend $xm.

They are not being kept afloat. They are operating according to a budget.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:44

And about the Valve Index... //

It will be free and Gabe will personally autograph each unit 

Did someone mention the Steam hardware survey again 

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:45

Conjecture to you @Presuming Ed. To others it’s fact.

We’ve had a detailed breakdown of the Rift.

Oculus Rift Components Cost Around $200, New Teardown Suggests – Road to VR

We heard how much Facebook paid for Oculus.

Oculus cost $3B not $2B, Zuckerberg says in trial

We know how much Oculus paid Epic.

Epic Games Busts 'Robo Recall's' $10 Million Myth

We know from Steam Survey roughly how many headsets have been sold.

VR Headset Growth on Steam Makes Biggest Leap Yet, Eclipses Linux Steam Users

We can take all this information do some Math and make some conclusions.

And if you don’t like conjecture what you doing on a Forum talking about future products like Index which hasn’t been announced yet?

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:46

But will it blend?

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:47

We’ll see how much conjecture there is at F8 tonight. 1 billion users conjecture. Half dome conjecture. Hand tracking conjecture. CV2 conjecture. When does it end? How about Total Rift sales after 3 years?

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:47

It might if it has eye tracking.

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:47

It's not fact to anyone. Almost all the sources you list below refer to assumption and conjecture.

SUGGESTS = conjecture.

is this relevant?

No we don't. We know it's less than $10m. The rest of the article is all about conjecture and assumption.

No we don't. We know that 0.91% of the people who completed the Steam survey that month were using a VR headset.

So you're taking all that conjecture and assumption, and drawing your own conclusions from it, based on your regularly demonstrated anti-Oculus agenda,and putting labels such as 'truth' and 'fact' on them?

I have nothing against conjecture. What I don't like is people trying to disguise conjecture as fact in an attempt to further personal agenda.

What you're posting here is not fact. It is not truth. It is conclusions you have drawn. It is conjecture. But you try to pretend it's fact. That's what I don't like.

Facebook do not 'keep Oculus afloat'. Facebook provide Oculus with a budget, and Oculus operate on that budget.

If Facebook did not provide that budget, Oculus would operate differently.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:48

Believe what you want to believe @Presuming Ed I really couldn’t care less.

Others can read these reports and make there mind up.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:49

Even PC Gamer can't help themselves and are making predictions about tomorrow...

There's a 1 percent chance Valve announces a Half-Life VR game this week | PC Gamer

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:16:49

Pretty good article.

I respect anyone who can tell the difference between their own assumptions and proven fact.

I'd love to see some big budget VR games come to the table from sources other than the established ones.

If they're successful, VR could get a big positive forward bump.
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