majnu Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:53

I've not hit the thermal limit, but can't get any more out of the chip even with the cards voltage unlocked.

I've not measured VRM temps though, so will see if that is limiting the overclock.

Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:53

Block it or get a good aftermarket aircooler. 

VRM temps can only be measured with a probe, no software can do that for you. If you haven't hit the thermal limit then you could be at the max your chip will take unless you ram a ton of volts through it, even then there is no guarantee. Are you not happy with 1280Mhz? Seems like a very decent overclock, especially as you are running dual gpus.

Houghsx Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:53

Maybe,maybe not but as Razor said that comes down to the silicon lottery and whether it's temps holding you back.
On mine I can hit throttling as I don't want my fan spinning at silly speeds, fans are quiet to a point.
Primarily I got into water as it was the next step in my hobby/interest. I then inherited the benefits as a result. Once you have built a conventional pc it's always going to be the same.
I just didn't agree it's about bragging rights, what's the point in that.
If I wanted bragging rights I would talk about my weiner 

Just kidding..

namuk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:54

the Build needs a window 

Hooligaani Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:54

Nice of Asus to be an equal opportunities employer, it's quite rare to see "little people" in gainful employment.

Was he standing on a box or is that case really that big?

jellofund Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:54


Could be a bit of both but that case does look a bit of a monster. 704mm (approx. 28") tall.

namuk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:55

it is and very heavy once you get all the gear in there, the case really needs wheels as well.

RandomLee Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:55

Tempted to get some blue sleeved cabled for my Corsair HX750, but the Corsair ones are pricey especially considering I won't need all of them.

Anyone know if the BitFenix or NZXT sleeved cables will work with Corsair PSUs? Then I can just buy what I need.

All this for a case with no window... 

Speaking of cases, I'm toying with the idea of a BitFenix Prodigy but I would need to replace my mobo.

Does a 1155 mini-ITX mobo exist that would take my 7950   Xonar ST (PCI version)? I did a quick Google but it seems like slim pickings, if any.


Chox1988 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:55

you'd have to ditch the sound card if you did that.

RandomLee Publish time 27-11-2019 04:10:57

Yeah that's what I thought. I could maybe live with that.

This looks decent:
ASRock Z77 Pro4-M Intel Z77 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Micro ATX Motherboard

I guess I could sell the Xonar ST and get the STX (PCI-E) if I really wanted to keep the sound card (I've still to re-test it after reinstallnig Windows).

I love my R3 but it's a bit big for the living room now the little one is crawling!

My other option would be put the R3 sideways against a wall and construct some kind of cage out of modders mesh to cover the cables. Would certainly be cheaper and easier tbh, and a good excuse to bust out the Dremel 
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