Chox1988 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:03

Aye I've seriously considered dropping down (if it can even be called dropping) to sli 780s instead, my only massive concern is heat and noise, really would want to wc them

RandomLee Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:04

Yeah, warranty is really good on them.

I think I‘m just going to write it off to be honest. The RMA one these seems like an easy straight forward process so may as well just do that.

I will still zero it just the don’t find all my downloaded BluRay “back-ups” , although if they wanted to I’m sure they could still recover it!

If I do replace it I probably will go WD as touch wood I’ve never had a problem with them... also got a 2TB Green.

What’s a good WD to use as a games drive? Can’t fit them all on my SSDs now and the Green probably isn’t the best gaming drive.

I had far too many drives too, although recently scrapped a few old 160GBs and narrowed it down to 64GB M4 for OS, 128GB C300 for key games, 1TB for downloads / back-ups and a 2TB for other games, music and photos etc.

Nice case btw. If I ever replace my R3 and don’t go ITX then I think I’ll deffo go for a Corsair 

In more other news, finally decided on and bought the Denon DM39 last night... can’t wait to try it with the Xonar ST. Arrives tomorrow so I hope my neighbours are out 

TheNameIsJambo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:04

Considering how quiet the Titan is, and that the 780s are using the same cooler, even if you ran them on air, I'm guessing they'd still be hella quiet.

Mine runs at around 50-70C on most games, even when flat-out it doesn't really go above 70C. If I were to run two on air, I'd maybe see 80C? And that's probably running them in slots 1   2. If you shifted them to slots 1   3 (assuming that slots 1 & 3 are running at the same bus speed), you'd maybe see less of a temp increase?

But still, I want to dabble into WC'ing. It would just be a good project.

I know how you feel about a 'step down'. But 6GB of VRAM totally feels like overkill - Maybe not, with the advent of the new consoles?

But, two 780s costs £1100 and two Titans cost £1800. All for the sake of a little extra FPS, tons of computational power and 3GB more VRAM (12GB vs 6GB total / 6GB and 3 GB effective), is £700 worth it? That's tri-SLI with 780s! 

My only worry is the amount of VRAM required in upcoming titles, the new consoles will be using real size textures! None of those Mickey Mouse 360/PS3 512x512 textures!

Chox1988 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:05

Nice. Hopefully your speakers don't back onto the adjoining wall .

I'd look at the wd caviar black as a games drive. Not the cheapest but the best imo.

RandomLee Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:06

They back onto the front of the building so all good (although they were previously on the floor) 

Will look into those drives, ta Chox 

EDIT: Just bought one from Amazon for £65 with free One-Day Shipping day via Amazon Prime. I'll just punt on the replacement Sammy when I get it back.

AVF... always costing me monies 

Chox1988 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:07

I don't think it's worth the extra cost for the titan at all tbh, it's just there'd be a big faff to sell so sli'ing them might be the only option for more power, if I were going from scratch I'd definitely go 780.

Yeah 80 would be about what I'd expect in slots one and 2, maybe 75 in one and 3.

But at 75 its still louder than I'd like.

I expect new consoles won't get close to using 3gb of vram but that's just a guess.

TheNameIsJambo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:09

What fan speeds do you run your Titan at? I can ramp mine up to 50% and it's hardly audible?

I think I have a curve of about 1C = 1% until about 40%, then it levels off until 75-80C-ish then it just jets up.

Chox1988 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:10

Roughly 1 to 1 until 50, then massively ramps up to 80 percent at 65 degrees, suppose it's a fairly aggressive fan profile. Keeps temps pretty tight.

namuk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:11

try this Hard Disk Sentinel - HDD health and temperature monitoring 

Houghsx Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:13

Guys,your talking like the titan is struggling  you still have the best single card there is.
I wouldn't personally sell it unless you really needed to go Sli. If and when you needed to Sli then I would imagine the titan to be a fair bit cheaper.
How much would you get second hand?
Then the extra layout to go sli around £400?
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