Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:33

People performing the tasks they have tested with (especially to the level they have tested with and/or as a common task) will not generally be running 4GB of RAM.

How gaming and other such tasks have an impact would be interesting to see.

AlpsUk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:35

Not sure where to post this but it is a hardware bargain.
Amazon have got the i5 4670k for £152.94
Intel Core i5 4670K Quad Core Retail CPU (Socket 1150, 3.40GHz, 6MB, Haswell, 84W, Intel Graphics, BX80646I74770, 4th Generation Intel Core, Turbo Boost Technology 2.0): Computers & Accessories

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:36

Back to normal price now.

AlpsUk Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:37

These deals dont last long 

TheNameIsJambo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:38

*Waits patiently on Ivy Bridge-E*

I need a good excuse to replace my ASUS Z68 Pro-V mobo... I don't feel that my 2600K is lacking behind in any races, just yet, but I'd quite like a new motherboard; with shiny new features!

But Haswell, it just isn't doing it for me.. The lack of OC'ing is like a gunshot to the face.

Tidy_Sammy Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:39

Read this yesterday, very interesting! My Gaming rig currently has 8GB (with a 240GB Sandisk Extreme) and my MBP currently has 4GB (with a 128GB Crucial M4), might go 16GB whenever I upgrade this rig, which won't be for a couple years.

Dave2 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:41

I have 16 GBddr3 in mine and a 240 vertex 3 ssd and read and write speeds are amazing . Load up of programmes are super fast e.g games that are on the ssd are almost instant etc

I cant really comment as I have not tested my current setup on anything lower than 16gig

Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:42

The ~£70 difference between 4GB and 16GB is basically another 128GB SSD and would you be doing it because you believe it'll make the SSD last longer in what you do, rather than actually needing the memory?

Sinzer Publish time 27-11-2019 04:11:43

It is definitely worth upgrading the 4GB to at least 8GB...... gaming engines are going to be coming out as full 64bit in the next year or so and with the new consoles, we might see the RAM requirements go up a lot.

More RAM never hurts, the article I posted was just a theoretical side-benefit, I just thought it was interesting.
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