IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:58

I am just here to assist and keep the forum harmonious 

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:58

Thank you IG.

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:59

Not to labour the point, but the main reason for this board would be to potentially appeal to women. The above would only serve to drive them away.

Ultimately there won't be a forum without footfall. I'm sure Stuart will be disappointed you won't be helping him with the decision, but will understand. 

Werewolfs Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:59

It does seem strange to me that some people seem to really not want it. The poll is only to see if people are interested but it looks as if some are actually against it.

My own thoughts are that I have no interest in a few of the forums but would not want them closed. Whatever floats anyones boat. The more the merrier I say. In fact Some of the ones I have no interest in I have taken a look from time to time.

Say the quadcopter one doesnt get as many hits at least its still there for when someone has an update. Now whos to say that it might not have enticed me to go out and buy one.

Food and especially drink (alcohol related especially being a "men only" site) is such a diverse topic, popcorn, whisky, barbecues to name a few, that it makes sense to have it corralled into one. At least this way anyone without an interest could actually stay away from it.

Hillskill Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:59

Perhaps the travel forum could be rebadged travel and food? My reasoning is restaurant recommendations and discussion is often closely related or in the same convo as travel. I concede it doesn't quite cover cooking at home but I could see it working.

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:59

Interesting chain of thought (were you joking?). Maybe speaker and food 'cos you listen to music while cooking 

Hillskill Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:59

Lol! No i wasn't joking. But you may be onto something there

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00

Let's suppose the UK tae kwon do forums adds a wonderful cookery forum to it's threads. Would you join it? Unless you are interested in the first place you are never going to be interested in the forums whatever is added. I could use anything as an example. If tomorrow you bought a 1990's Ford Fiesta and you wanted to change the front speakers you might post in the motoring section in AVForums a question as to how to do it as you are already a member but if you had little luck you'd probably then join a Ford Fiesta of Ford car forum and then ask.

People don't join forums for the sections in the forum. They join the forum in the first place as they have an interest and then after that they may then stay and post elsewhere. You won't attract the people in the first place. If your main interest was cookery and you did a search usually you hit the BBC website and various food forums first. Adding extra sub-forum subjects is something done for existing members. It won't attract new ones.

How much should a forum like mumsnet or the Austin Allegro owners forum add before you would join it?

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00

I know but I think the thinking is flawed. It's an AV site. People join the site due to the AV, you might then stay for other the sub forums but it won't attract new members. If you are really interested in cookery there is plenty out there. If you are female most join mumsnet.
Not really. You could be living on takeaways, pot noodles and supermarket pizzas.
It's where I largely post now. It wasn't why I joined the site in the first place. I also still post elsewhere. As above it's something to add for existing members. The idea it will bring in new ones is the flawed bit.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00

More people posted in the Jeremy Clarkson thread. You could probably get more interest with a dedicated Jeremy Clarkson sub forum.
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