Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00
Your thinking is a little flawed.We get lots of new members in the motoring section.Possibly because they post everywhere and and get a friendlier response here than more specialist forums where people can be shall will say, slightly analytical.Barbs77 signed up through the motoring section as a very recent example.
blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00
How about at least one female member who joined because of the motoring forum. But why is this so threatening to you. It is merely a suggestion with a clear aim in mind. Worse case, nobody joins because of it. But unless we try, we'll never know.
Edit - IG beat me to it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00
I still think it'd be worth a go - maybe even as a "food and drink" section to expand interest/activity a bit. Rolling in discussions on whisky, beer, etc might keep it ticking over a bit more.
blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:00
Food is in for the long haul. JC is only news now. Every suggestion seems to miss the female component for some reason.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:01
I suggested a Smartwatch forum in Sept 2013.
Twelve months later it happened. On an AV site. If it takes 12 months to get a dedicated smartwatch forum on an AV site why do we need even more non AV stuff? This is an AV site. There is general chat and the lifestyle stuff for anything non AV.
What do you mean the female component? Thinking that women should be in the kitchen and they all like cooking? Why that?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:01
My reason for voting no (which I managed to do in the end) was not because Food is a bad topic but because the more diluted the topics get the less chance there is they will be read except by the 'enthusiasts'.So I voted 'no' because I like reading the food topics when I see them pop up, but I'm not going to go and check the food forum, just like I rarely check the holidays, motoring, parents forums, even though they are potentially interesting topics.
I also find the 'let's attract more women by discussing cooking' idea to be very iffy at best.
blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:01
I think the problem is people read a couple of posts and pile in with misconceptions. Guys, this has all been covered.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:01
So what is the 'female component' ?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:01
Entirely unscientific but I would have thought forums like parenting or holidays would already be unisex and be a fifty-fifty split. They seem to be mainly male. If that isn't drawing women in then why would cooking or anything else be any different? (Yes there might be the odd exception.)
The question as posted is would I like to see a food forum? I answered no and I took Home Economics at school over metalwork and woodwork and do actually cook. It wouldn't interest me enough (hence "no") and there are enough forums as it is with quite a few having been condensed over the last 12 months. For instance there used to be a dedicated sat nav forum and the Playstation forum seems to have been condensed a bit as well. Is the aim to condense the AV side and pad out lifestyle?
Regarding quadrocopters if I did have a question on it and if I was looking to discuss it somewhere then at least an AV Forum site might be a place to start. Cooking isn't something I'd really expect.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:03
Well Blue Max, I think you can safely assume Sonic67 is firmly against a 'Food & Drink' forum. Currently he seems to be chewing heavily on the bit and prancing sideways. 
Take care.