blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:04

True about the parenting and holidays. But perhaps more susceptible to a male perspective.

There are plenty of boards which some people will have no interest in. We are all different of course. So a 'no' because I am not interested in food is understandable.

Perhaps the question should have been phrased 'would you object to a food forum' to allow for that. But then the positives would be less safe.

Not sure if this has become a battleground for the thin end of the wedge for any forum changes. I'm not campaigning for anything further. I don't have a great interest in AV for various practical reasons. But it's an AV site, first and foremost and many people's first choice for AV info.

But with such a difficult birth, I am slightly apprehensive about it's future (if born at all).

Barbs77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:05

Then I met you lot and got to like it lol

Barbs77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:06

I think a Food/Drink Forum might be a place where Females or even Males new to Forums may feel more comfortable to post in when they first join whichever area of the Forum first attracted them.After all a Member that doesn't post anywhere could just be shy and I don't think Food/Drink is a confrontational subject.   Are there any stats about Members who have joined and never posted?

Werewolfs Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:07

Could it be that its not a subject that can be bragged about as much as some others.
Like, look at my latest car or how many squats can you do or I am going there on holiday. Look at this shepherds pie doesnt have the same kudos.
Food and drink could be classed as a non starter but the barbeque thread got over 3000 posts alone.
I have to admit I thought the majority would jump at a drink one at least. Imagine best beer, lager, rum, whisky etc. threads. Or best pubs/ resturants. Worst youve been drunk/hungover. Could be endless and would not clog GC.

Barbs77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:08

The Turkey that IG (if it wasn't you IG, sorry) posted the other day in the BBQ Thread looked Fab hoping we all get an invite round to his just to make sure it tastes as good as it;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:08

As much as we all speculate, the only real way to find out is to give it a whirl. Or we'll never know.

Actually, who would have thought General Chat would be at the forefront of traffic to the site. A lot of sites have it as an afterthought because they can't think of a category. Here it is a major player.

Its in the lap of the God now. 

imightbewrong Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:09

As they say, I came for the av advice, I stay for the GC.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:10

People will always brag, regardless of the subject. We already have the "Look at my coffee machine" posts, just wait until the "Get your Kitchens out for the lads" thread to start.

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:10

I know you probably jest, but you do raise a good point. Some forums or threads certainly have specific rules regarding swearing etc. It may need a bit of careful nurturing by the mods until the tone has been set. Generally the site is kept pretty decent by both the members and the mods. That is why we really need as many on side as possible so the few don't spoil it for the many.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 05:27:11

I wasn't joking.
Also, I'm not sure how your post correlates to mine (unless you've quoted me in error).

Good to see you are still very positive that it will happen and that there'll be many contributing. Personally I'd prefer a Gardening sub forum but that was already shot down last year.
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