shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:48

Stronglifts 5x5

So as I'm having great fun with the 5x5 programme I thought I'd start a thread for it.

StrongLifts 5x5: The Simplest Workout To Get Stronger
This explains it all and there are links to the apps at the bottom of the page.

Today I was on:-
Squats 5x5 at 55kg
Overhead press 5/5/5/5/4 at 42.5kg
Deadlifts 1x5 at 85kg

So for me this is my 5th day on the programme in 11 days as I'm not able to go every other day add I'd like.
So you'll see I didn't hit 5x5 for the overhead press.I don't mind this as it shows where and how I need to get stronger,and stronger means bigger and better. So next OHP will be the same weight until I crack it.
And from the deadlifts I feel like I can lift heavier but my grip was starting to fail on the last set, but that's only my 3rd day of deadlifts so I'm sure the grip will improve along with other strength's.

So how's it working for you and what is your status? How have you found the programme?

I started it as I wanted to move from running to weights to help loss weight and tone up but without a clear guide I was all over the place at the gym trying everything and getting nowhere fast. And now I'm seeing some great results with the weight loss and apparently I'm getting a bit of definition too, in fact at swimming today with my kids, my boy asked me why my arms were looking all lumpy....

bubs999 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:49

Wasn't going to go today, as my right shoulder had been hurting (did something to it whilst splitting logs)
But I went and glad I did, managed all 3 exercises today

At the end of the weights session, I usually do some cardio, today was 4 x 2 minute on the heavy bag (I get bored of running 4k on the treadmill)

I'm looking for something to eat or drink after the gym session now, as I find myself being really hungry afterwards. Any suggestions? It's a 15 minute drive back home

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:50

great stuff guys, just started this myself - and have downloaded the spreadsheet (KG) from his site, and thus has done -
Bench Press
Barbell Row
40 (60?)

then -
Oh Press

then -
Bench Press
Barbell Row

then week 2 -
Oh Press

then -
Bench Press
Barbell Row

then -
Oh Press

next week will be tues ,thurs, and sat (instead of the mon, wed, and fri) - but the week after that I'll be back at kettlebells of a mon, and will continue this of a tues, thurs, and sat hopefully..!

so far no issues tho will be getting heavier over the coming weeks... 

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:51

Bubs, maybe a banana? Quick, easy, tasty and very nutritious.

kav Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:52

Nice one, I was doing this for a couple of months, then lapsed after our summer holiday. Just back into it again for the last fortnight but had to drop my weights to get back into things. Will be good to use this thread to keep up the motivation.

Showoff Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:52

How much time are you allowing between sets?
It's better to up the rest period from 1.5mins to 2mins or from 3mins to 5mins as the sets get tougher, than to skip them.

I've been doing this since April as most of you will know, but I've been away and ill for the last 2 weeks, so only been once in 2 weeks. Planning to get back on it next week when I return home though.

Ill post up where I'm up to when I get back.

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:53

Thanks Showoff, upped my rest periods when I felt the need and got through it.

Finished in about 40 mins or so then went back to work on the bench press and built up from 32.5kg doing 5x5 until I maxed out with 52.5kg so I was very happy with that.

Noticed one odd thing, the app has recorded today's workout as yesterday. Can't see why it how and can't see how to change it....

starfarer Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:53

For OHP, if i'm struggling on last few reps I will do push press to finish off the set or lower 2.5kg and up the rep. Also shoulder day is where I do most warm ups. For some reasons I'm not confident on these shoulder workouts and very conservative with weights.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:53

my thighs feel completely fried haha - did my last session on friday night and all was fine...

but one habit I do is - everytime I get out of a chair - I never use my arms, just my legs (sounds easy - but how many people actually do it?), and I was at the pub yestersday for a pub lunch and a pint, and I went to stand up it felt like all my fibres in my quads tore..! nothing major... just felt like I'd done a hard session... hopefully wil feel fine for tonight... 

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 05:03:53

5x5 is good fun and pretty simple and not time consuming. Did it last winter but just rejoined the gym last week so going to start it up again - will post in here as I go.
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