Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:36
The problem with teles is that there are SO many models that it's pretty difficult pinning them all down! Vintage this, vintage that, Anniversary editions, Specials, FSR's (factory special runs). Huge list. Two different plants. One in Mexico staffed with Mexicans, one in California staffed with Mexicans.
The main differences as far as playability is concerned seem to be the neck shape. More modern ones have a slimmer neck, some of the older ones (or the Vintage modern ones, if that makes sense) have a chunkier thick neck. I've only ever played the newer standard ones, so don't know what the larger neck feels like. But there's supposed to be a big difference.
Reevsey - are you a man or a mouse? Buy it for the wife's birthday or something, for gods sake.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:36
nah no wife.....any else do you think I've 2 guitars on the wall on a stand...and one under the bed 
currently got my sensible head on....I keep thinking I really ought to learn how to play the one electric i've got before I buy another.
I'm off on a road trip next week so might try a few different ones I spent far too long trying out acoustics last time....not had a go on too many electrics
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:36
Seriously, remember that all Mexican teles are made at their Baja plant. But the Baja Telecaster (Classic Player) is the one everyone is raving about. Bear that in mind when looking at Mexican Telecasters, the nomenclature can be confusing.
The Classic Player has the same Custom Shop pickups as the USA American Standard, (my guitar, getting it tomorrow!) but also has the S1 switching system which gives more tonal possibilities. It doesn't have the body contour (which many don't like, I do) and does have the traditional 3 saddle bridge (which many do like, but I don't).
Christian 71
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:36
Nope you have it all wrong, you need to buy more guitars before you learn how to play. 
None of this sensible malarkey where's the fun in that.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:36
yeah would have thought buying one a couple of weeks ago would have scratched that itch
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:37
Just picked up my new guitar. Oh dear....Should have bought a telecaster years ago. Fantastic build quality. Just a wonderful instrument, far too good for me.
One problem - the headstock is too small to fit into my wall hangers. The wife's going to go ballistic. I wasn't thinking about it not fitting!
Edit. Just been giving it an hour. It's a great guitar. Maybe it's a little to early to say. But the pickups have a seamless transition. From jazzy on the neck, to funky in the middle, and rocky on the bridge. Using the tone control, there is simply no point where you would know which pickup you were playing. It's fantastic. Maybe all Fender's are like this? The clips on You Tube just shown different pick ups. The don't show how rolling off the tone can affect the sound on each.
Negatives - the action is a little higher than I am used to. That can probably be altered, but I'm not sure I want to. It's 10-46 strings at the moment. No more negatives at this stage.
I wanted a funky rock guitar to supplement my Ibanez semi hollow which I use for jazz. This will probably render the Ibanez redundant.
I have just been playing it clean, through my Mambo jazz amp (a very good and loud amp, just no effects or gain). I'll need to put some pedals in front of it and see how it sounds.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:37
Most wall hangers have rotating arms for slim heads, have you tried that?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:37
Yes it rotates, but I am scared it will catch on the low E tuner, as the guitar might pull the rotating head round. I will have another look.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:37
Hercules miss the tuners.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:38
Cheers mate. I've just altered mine, and it works. Thanks a lot.