Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:12

Nice. Guitar seems OK too.

Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:13

Yeah, I had an Epiphone Dot - same as yours? - for a while. Great guitar. But I found it a little too large. The one I have is a great size for me. With hindsight, I maybe should have kept the Dot and got it set up properly. But it would still have been too large I guess.
What I should do (maybe will, one day) is sell my Ibanez*, and get a proper Gibson 339 second hand. Get it set up and that will be IT for me. It will cost me £1500-£2000 for the guitar and set up including compensated nut.
By the way, I can't praise a compensated nut enough. Great intonation and tuning stability. Get one!

*Stuff that. I'll keep the Ibanez, and still get a proper 339. Am I crazy? Its a couple of grand. Not a huge amount for a top level musical instrument. People change their cars every year and lose more than that. Guitars are bloody cheap actually.


reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:14

yeah ...there a lot of people on here than can talk themselves into a new guitar pretty easily 

love a Gibson myself

Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:14

I'm looking on ebay for a decent used 339 at the moment. Around £1200 should get something worth having. But I'd need to sell another guitar to get one, or I'll be facing an expensive divorce.

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:14

look forward to a few pics 

that peavey self tuning thingy apparently sold out over night! back up to 300 quid

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:15

£300 is about the price of the Tronical tuning system used by Gibson. My LP 60's tribute came with it fitted and it worked very well, but it's not worth the standalone price IMO.

Tronical - Thomann UK

KelvinS1965 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:15

Since getting back into music this year I have to agree, though I'm thinking more in terms of amps though I too could be tempted by a 335/339 to go with my Strat, Tele and Epi LP.

When I think what I spent on MK speakers, amps, building subs, projectors, etc I could have bought a very nice Gibson just with the money I lost on reselling some of the above. I'd been planning on adding another pair of MK S150T speakers(£1500 pair) for my surround back to upgrade the existing ones, but I keep thinking that could be a Fender DRRi amp AND a Vox AC30, or even a Mesa Boogie combo. Hard to think about a pair of 'better' speakers when I could have the above instead.

I only paid £450 for my (secondhand) Classic 50s Tele which came with loads of extra bits too. That would barely buy a half decent subwoofer, which puts it in perspective for me.

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:16

yeah I'd definitely seem to hold their value when compared to second hand hifi/av

....keep thinking about a pair of new b & w cm 8s's...which I demo'd a little while ago

...then I was in a guitar shop today thinking about how I could spend the same 1500 quid in there

Philly112 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:17

£1500 will buy a seriously good guitar. Stuff the b and w's.Get some micro laptop speakers instead. So what guitar are you thinking about?

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:18

...nothing in particular

I don't think I'd spend 1500 quid one guitar at my stage of playing....only been playing exactly a year ...really enjoy playing acoustic ...and have only just got an electric ...which I just play like I would an acoustic.....and barre chords and a bit of distortion 
plus I'm still getting my head around gettingdecent tones from the 33 different types of amps that my vox modelling amp has got 

if i was going to spend..I'd probably go for 2...and keep it south of a grand...a full bodied acoustic and maybe another electric.

the reduced tanglewood I had a go on today played and sounded lovely....still tempted with that one for 400 quid....though I did fall for a taylor gs mini back in the summer for the same money.

...think it was this one
Tanglewood Sundance TW40 SD VS Historic Series Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar - Vin Tanglewood Acoustic Guitars | Nevada Music

usual story from everyone....'why do you need another guitar' 

nothing to do with's want. 

mind you Iplay for at least an hour or 2 a day on and off....and am always picking one up for 5 mins 2 on the wall and one on a stand...I even like looking at them
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