KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:52

Pretty much the same here, played on and off since about '91. Took music at school so had to play performances to count towards grades, dreaded it at the time but it helped build up some chops. Used to try playing stuff like Metallica and Maiden, no doubt it sounded awful back then. Quite funny thinking back, the class would perform at events so they'd be a solo violinist playing a nice rendition of Handel, then we'd butcher a version of Metallica's One right afterwards.

Stopped playing until late 90s-2000s, nu-metal era. Fun to play, no solos, easy rhythms and old enough to play pub gigs. Does it count as being a professional musician if you're paid in beer tokens?

It's only the last 3-4 years I've really got back into playing, took me that long to realise how bad my bends and vibrato were, which is why I tend to go on about it.

If I was going to gig now I'd just want to play simple 3-chord rock, or something bluesy so I could jam away with pentatonics and not have to worry about messing up any difficult parts.

Tried pitch and putt once, I'm a lefty who plays guitar righted handed, not splashing out on a left handed set to know I can't play.

reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:52

well was looking at teles about on the market again this morning ....

came across this on the bay......really don't subscribe to the 'road worn' mentality.

don't know about road worn...looks like it's been run over and dragged down the road about 20 miles !

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:52


reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:52

and only a thousand of your English pounds too

quite ironic that the best condition thing on the whole guitar is the pick guard!

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:53

If I'm spending a £1000 on a guitar, I wan't it mint 

Don't get the relic'd thing myself.

Tom Tom Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:53

So how did it go with your son?

What guitar did you get?

Did he like it?

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:53

I like the 'road worn' look when James Hetfield, SRV, etc, make it look like that through use/abuse, buying one new doesn't appeal to me. I remember seeing a video where Crimson guitars takes a chisel and sandpaper to a new PRS, that's just wrong! customer paid for it though.

If the OP is still looking for a guitar I've just about finished my home built BC Rich Wrath. should really start a new thread instead of hijacking this one, will do when I'm finally finished.
                                Not happy with a few things, pickups, etc, just pleased to get it working. cheap mini push/pull pot is scratchy as hell, think I'm going to go back to a proper full sized tone pot and add a mini-switch instead.

Everything was recorded DI/dry and re-amped afterwards, something I've only started playing around with in the last 12 months. Haven't got to grips with it yet but I like it. Can keep tinkering with the sound after recording which is always fun!

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:54

Clean sounding test, quite like the EMG-HZ neck pickup for clean/bluesy stuff, not so keen on the bridge pup though, think that's why they were sitting in a draw for ages.
                                Now that I know it plays alright I think I'm going to take it apart, stain it blue or green and add a darker burst around the edges. I usually get bored of a project by the time it comes to the finish and just make do with a few coats of sand sealer/shellac, I might put in the extra effort with this one.

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:24:54

Nice playing KFP as ever 

It would be good to see the finished colour, don't forget to post a pic.
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