Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
It does sound nice but i think it just ruins the look, maybe the picture doesnt show just how big it is lol
read it weighs over 6kg aswel 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
6 kgs down low though, which helps the C of G.
Mind you, I've just replaced my standard cans with Akrapovic.
Road legal, so no louder than normal.
But look better and lighter.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
Looks great!
Z750 (and now Z800) are both on the short list of bikes I'd have if I ever manage to persuade the wife that I should be allowed to start riding again.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
Naked bikes don't usually float my boat, but the Z800 is nice.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
Me either mate, was always into sports bikes but there is just something about the Z800.
They are offering 0% over two years at the moment too. If I were given the go ahead, the A4 would be given the chop in a heartbeat.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:34
Told my Mrs i was going to look at a bike after work she didnt say much then when she go in from work i told her it was being delivered in 3 days lol
She was pissed off then because i didnt discuss it with her 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:35
My mate has the 2009 yama Xj6 which i have rode it has a similar look but imho mine pulls harder but obv mines a 750 still a nice bike tho
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:35
I've got a z800 had it sinceJuly this year,paid just under £7k new for it (full power model). I had to go for the green one as well.
Loving every minute of it, I commute every day on it and it does a grand job. Fast, comfortable and nimble considering it's weight.
Had it's first service a while back, exhaust valves now fully open and the exhaust sound is amazing, on over run the induction noise is fantastic, pity it only averages 34mpg on a run but fueling is spot on throughout the rev range.
NooBish AbbZ 92
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:35
so, had my CBT for 6 months, been riding a CBR 125 since then, and have looked at a few YZF Thundercat's that I could restrict and ride if I passed my Mod 1 2.
Think i will be starting saving 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:36:35
Unless you really like the Thundercat's looks, I would seriously consider a CBR600 from the same era instead.
It was a much better bike all round.
The Thundercat was a bit of a duffer and quickly replaced with the R6 when Yamaha realised the CBR600 was spanking it on the track and in sales.