Tricky one really as specific games haven't really impressed me that much in ages. I suppose the last traditional game that I've really enjoyed has been Dishonored 2. The whole game world, characters, atmosphere, graphical style and the many different ways you can play the game are so impressive.
As far as being really impressed, the thing in gaming that has really impressed be of late has been PSVR. That's just mind blowing and whilst it doesn't quite make TV gaming completely redundant, it does make you look at TV gaming as some antiquated method of playing games, once you have tried it. PSVR is a long way from being the finished VR article, but it's a very polished entry for the medium into the console environment and once experienced, it becomes very clear that it is not a gimmick of any sort and is in fact where gaming is now heading. Playing Drive Club actually sitting in the car in the middle of the game world is just something else and Rush of Blood is just wow! For me, nothing has come a tenth of the way towards impressing me as much as PSVR since I started gaming in the early eighties.
It's hard to pick a specific game, but I guess that I would pick DCVR, given my love for racing games. It showed me instantly what would be possible for racing sims in the future and that excited me a lot. |