The Clare Barry 20 breasts arrived today. My wife was impressed with the size and quality. Got them all separated into food bags and in the freezer 
Will give them a try tomorrow
Also, I know some people will turn their noses up but I was looking at some of the other lines on that site to make the shipping cost worthwhile and ordered some lambs liver. Got about a kilo for £6.99. Its dirt cheap, a great source of protein and chock full of vitamins.
I grew up eating offal all the time and my mum would cook liver, kidneys, hearts and also rabbit. As i said above its very cheap as there is little demand for it.
Was reading a Charle Poiliquin article about offal (he called it "organs") the other day and he said the same. Apparently predators in the wild will always eat the offal parts first as they know instinctively it is best for them. They often leave the muscle meat. Doesn't sound like the Yanks tend to eat offal at all from his article
Forget the shoe leather your mum used to serve up, I lightly cook mine pink, Italian style in olive oil\butter with fresh sage. Yum
http://www.channel4.com/4food/recipes/popular-ingredients/lamb/pan-fried-liver-and-onions-with-bacon-recipe |