not MASSIVELY cheap, but still not too expensive. i decided to make some egg muffins tonight to see me through for breakfast for the next couple of days. soo simple, yummy and even i can make them, so no excuses.
10 eggs, splash of milk, pinch of salt and pepper, all whisked up
grease a muffin tray
use any meat you fancy - i cooked up 4 slices of bacon, chopped them up into little chunks.
grated cheese
pre heat oven to 200 degrees
grease the tray
distribute the cheese and bacon equally among the muffin tray holes (i had 12)
top up the copartments with the whisked milk
bung it in the oven - most sites ay 20-25 minutes, but mine were done in about 16/17 mins as my oven cooks very quickly
and here is the outcome

so plenty of protein in these bad boys  |