I used neck, waist, hip measurements and put them into this website which does the calculation for you - Body Fat Calculator 6 formulas to calculate body fat percentage (same method as TheyCallMeTJ). It won't be 100% accurate but at least gives some consistency if you use the same method.
I am female so puts me on in the 'fitness' range but quite close to athletic. The only bit of stubborn fat left to shift is on my hips, other than that I am not looking for weight loss.
This was what I was worried about when I started, but I have honestly had no cravings or hunger pains at all. The key for me is sugar. Previously I would use chocolate etc as a meal replacement and end up on a sugar rollercoaster where I always felt hungry. I've cut as much refined sugar as possible and this seems to be working really well.
I've been eating a lot of salad (as much colour on the plate as possible), veg, fresh fish (trout, cod), tinned tuna, chicken, turkey (turkey mince can be used in lots of different ways and very lean), pork, lean beef, low fat mozzarella, omelettes. Quark, low fat cottage cheese and 0% fat Greek yoghurt are all good in place of sauces or dressings. Having one cup of black coffee in the morning then lots of water (hot and cold) throughout the day. A couple of glasses of red wine at the weekend  |