Hey Rich, Impedance method which those machines use do fluctuate and are not very accurate. Homedic weighing scales provide more consistency and a little more accuracy in BF% measurments because of a 6 point contact. It doesnt really matter about its precise accuracy, the key is using it as a progressive gauge with fortnightly measurements.
You can get a more accurate measurement with calipers but its best getting that done by a qualified professional as there is an art to doing it properly, skin pinching.
Personally I just use the US NAvy Body fat formula I post earlier. All you need is a tape measure and scientific calculator. Its generally 1-3% accurate and I feel is the most consistent guage.
Circumference of your waist at narrowest point
Circumference of your hip at widest point
Circumference of your neck at narrowest point
Your height
BF% Formula (US NAVY ): (Important, make sure you plug in inches and not centimetres. If you measured yourself in centimetres than convert those measurements is inches first.)
MEN, all measurements in INCHES:
?t = 86.010*LOG(waist- neck) - 70.041*LOG(height) 36.76
WOMEN, all measurements in INCHES:
?t = 163.205*LOG(waist hip - neck) - 97.684*LOG(height) - 78.387 |