From speaking with my Scottish in-laws, you talk sense.
All I'd add is that the SNP view of what independence would look like (the pro-EU view) is not necessarily the same as that of the Scottish Tories or Scottish Labour. In other words, independence ought to come first, then the issue of the EU after independence is achieved.
Also, don't underestimate the political pressure the announcement puts on the UK Government. If Theresa May says no to a referendum, the Scots won't appreciate it and undecided voters will possibly lean towards yes to independence. If Theresa May says yes to a referendum, the SNP look strong in the eyes of their supporters. It's a win-win for the SNP.
Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere in the topic thread 
As for your thoughts on Scottish nationalism versus English nationalism, I'd say that the SNP have focussed on soft nationalism that use the dissatisfaction with Westminster and the Conservatives in particular to bolster the position of wanting independence. It's also marketed as a more inclusive nationalism concentrating on social cohesion and inclusive policies (which you may or may not agree with).
Conversely, in my mind, English nationalism has solely focussed on staving off far-right groups that try to appropriate the message for their own aims. To many it has its roots in football hooliganism. In the 70s it was the NF, then it was the NF, the BNP and Combat18, then the BNP, then Britain First and the English Democrats. I've never seen a form of English nationalism that is inclusive to all and doesn't end up sobbing into a half-empty pint glass about how the country isn't what it was and the glory of the Empire days is all but a distant memory. It doesn't help that it has often in the past been defined by fighting Irish nationalism, both verbally and physically.
I don't know how English nationalism would even view someone like me who was born here to parents who immigrated from India decades ago. Would I be English enough for them? All I know is that in Scotland, the same issue wouldn't apply if I had been born there and joined the SNP. |