Is that the Tories Secret Manifesto? 
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused here? Are the right saying spending a fortune on doing up the Royal Yacht, a move being sponsored by a man who's dept is decimating the British Education system, is justifiable?
On what grounds pray?
Bearing in mind of course that the govt has cut LEA spending to nil, has cut schools Capital (buildings and equipment) spending by 90%, and is looking at cutting jobs across the board? Also consider that schools across the country are now in debt to their local authority because of these moves, and because funding has been moved from proper schools to the new 'Free Schools', this will mean less teachers per pupil, declining standards in the built environment in teacher morale oh, and of course declining educational standards.
Let's not forget of course, the same prat, is introducing new 'teacher grading' which will create 'super teachers' (do the Tories spend too much time reading kids comics?) 'master teachers' all of which requires half a ton of extra paperwork and non teaching time to achieve.
And there was me thinking the Tories hated Red tape........
Still, it's much more important for Gove to be pushing for non existent cash to be thrown at the Royal ****** yacht!
Give the guy a break I say, preferably permanently............. |