The public can't use Air Force 1 but Americans are proud of it and nobody would ever want to scrap it to save a few million quid...
I'm not a royalist... In fact you could say I don't like the royals and all that guff but even I'm shocked at the rage, bitterness and hate spewed by British people over this...
Do British people ever feel united or proud about anything? Ever?
When Air Force one lands anywhere your pretty news cameras are there and it's a big deal and it's doing more than transporting some slob around...
Does anyone see the merit of even discussing the royal boat as a national symbol or source of pride or pr investment even if you don't support the royals?
I'm just stunned by the hate... Wow...
Do you think any of the hate mongers will have a change of heart when they see the celebration with the queen on a barge in the Thames? And what message that sends to the world? Or our children?
How are we as a society going to stop the hate and blame and start the rebuilding, healing and unity and hope?
You old think that 60 or 100 million quid might be worth just some sort of reasonable debate or discussion or philosophizing about in light of the many billions of pounds in over budget Olympics? Or the recent 32 billion quid train to nowhere which will end up costing triple that and none of us will afford to ride it? But all we got is hate?
Why is that? |