No. The Old Testament is essentially a history of a race of people, without any recognised corroborating evidence. Which is ok as it's a religious text and that gives it greater credence. Apparently. The Old Testament is also a guide containing what the people who wrote it thought was the way the Earth and Universe was made and how to live your life. It's actually very boring to read, unless you are into lengthy family histories, which luckily I am. 
The New Testament is the story of Christ as told by his Disciples. Christ was apparently sent to die for the sins of man, and during his lifetime preached a more specific and modern (for the time) version of the Old Testament teachings. The Old Testament is similar to the Jewish Torah, and it was on this he was tested by the Jewish religious establishment.
What the issue is, is that Christianity is a faith, one I for example don't share. Why then should it have any bearing on my life, or on that of those that don't follow it? In particular when govt is writing laws to appease it?
Are we saying that religion still has a role to play in lawmaking? If so, God (no pun) help us, as it's not been that helpful in the past............
At the same time, why should someone be discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality? You can choose your faith, you can't choose your sexual preference. |